The grandkids didn’t stay all weekend like we had planned. - TopicsExpress


The grandkids didn’t stay all weekend like we had planned. Something about an opportunity to go to the lake. Guess that trumps hanging with the old folks. So, since I had a little free time on my hands I figured I’d get back to getting the weeding caught up. Note to self - no more injuries during weed-growing season. So I spent the day weeding and got over heated and ended up with a headache. Sometime around 2:00 I came inside, drank some minerals in some water kefir and realized I was too dirty to sit anywhere, so I took a shower. After which, I put on my pj’s. My plan was to fix dinner, then have a movie night - a rarity here. I laid down, just for a minute, and must have fallen asleep. Next thing I knew my phone was ringing. The conversation went something like this: “Hi, this is ??? (I didn’t catch her name.)I don’t have the directions to get there.” “I’m sorry, who is this?” While trying to wake up and racing through my mind who I had invited out. The phone cut out and I didn’t catch her name again, but she said something about wanting to talk to me about taking classes. Okay, yes. We have classes lined up for people to come and learn. In fact, I haven’t officially made the announcement yet, thought I’d wait for the website so I could have it all posted first (here’s a hint - September 21st) and I have an exciting and very gifted lineup of teachers for you, but hang on here, I’m still trying to wake up. Long story short, she had driven from the city and got as far as Drexel before realizing she didn’t know how to get to my place from there. She thought she could pop in and visit the farm. Okay, so here’s the deal. Yes, I am opening my farm to the public. And yes, I know that is what I’m supposed to go, nothing can convince me otherwise. But, this is a working farm - as in, we work hard and we work a lot. AND, this is also our home. Even my family won’t stop in without at least a phone call first. But I don’t care if they see me in my pj’s with last nights dinner still in the sink. So, with whatever patience I could muster in my half-awake state, I tried to explain to her it was just not a good time to visit. She sounded really disappointed. I hope she didn’t have kids with her looking forward to a trip to the farm. The lesson in this? We are going to be open to the public on certain days. If you’d like to come down, please schedule around this, or at least call and schedule a trip down. It’s just good, old-fashioned common courtesy. And if it was you that called yesterday? I hope I didn’t sound rude over the phone. I really was just trying to wake up and you caught me totally off guard. I have no idea who you were, but I do hope you’ll visit some other time. And maybe call first.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:59:53 +0000

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