The great burden on my heart is the visible and ongoing - TopicsExpress


The great burden on my heart is the visible and ongoing destruction of the family. As you know, God established the family unit before He even mentioned the church. The family unit is Gods plan. When He united the first family, He gave the instruction to the man, not to the woman. For this reason (because the woman came out of the man) a man will leave his father (his what?) and his mother (his what?) and be united with his wife, and they will become one flesh.~Genesis 2:24 When God said this, there was not yet any such thing as a father and a mother, and the words had a much deeper meaning. The Hebrew here for father refers to financial support and the word mother refers to comfort. So, God is saying to all of us who come after the original man and woman (not yet given names) that until a man can support a woman and quit being a mamas boy, he is not ready for marriage. Let me tell you what I see several times in an average day in the place where I live. I see the wreckage from the failure of men to be men, and the failure of men to lead men. How is it manifested? Unwed fathers and mothers, neglected children, poverty, substance abuse. Truly, I see this daily. A phenomena that intrigues me is that many of the women are having three children unmarried, and they do not seem to be concerned at all about being pregnant unmarried in front of their children who are old enough to understand what is going on. Why is no male family figure guiding and protecting them? Where are their own daddies? And dont forget, for every unwed mother, there is an unwed father. Why do not the young men have any respect for women, or even more horrible, have no respect for the children they are bringing into the world, born already at a disadvantage? Often when I am in a conversation about this, the topic of our government comes up, that our government encourages it. Someone told me this week that the number of out of wedlock births occurs because both parents can get food stamps and benefits if they remain unmarried. Someone I know who has rental property tells me he has a tenant who buys $200 worth of food stamps per month for $100 from a local young mother. I have spoken with our sheriff about this. My town and county are in a morass. There is no need for an enemy to encircle the United States. It is being destroyed from within, consuming itself. Our watchmen have abandoned their posts. The churches should put on sackcloth and ashes and mourn publicly.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:55:23 +0000

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