The great fiction of government is imploding. What is left is the - TopicsExpress


The great fiction of government is imploding. What is left is the great reality; namely that all government intervention rests upon coercion. The intimate relationship between the three forms of intervention is in motion. As average people begin to see triangular intervention for the fraud it is, law enforcement will increase its use of direct force to compel obedience and to create a fear of authority to fill the vacuum where respect used to be. The rise in police brutality against average people is proportionate to the loss of trust with which those people now view all government intervention. It is a vicious circle, of course. The more brutality occurs, the less trust there is. And law enforcements willingness to taser children, shoot unarmed civilians and gang-bludgeon unresisting people is an ominous sign. It means they are no longer reluctant to be seen.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:10:11 +0000

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