The great lie that has entered the church is that we understand - TopicsExpress


The great lie that has entered the church is that we understand how the world and universe works and surely we have learned a lot, we know how a storm forms, we know how a plague spreads, we know a lot about agriculture, energy,subatomic structure... ,so we now understand that even if God made everything, He lets it run and doesnt really get very involved. Beg pardon? Who said that, not God, not scripture... who? The world, guess whos the current lease holder , though the eviction order is signed ? So why do we believe this garbage in the church. Well lets see why Gods last manifestation of His kingdom on earth had trouble. They wanted to fit in, be like other people. God separated them with truth and they wanted the blessings of God but not the distinctive that made blessings possible. In the end the seminaries of the day turned out lost or corrupt shepherds who incorporated the pagan religious beliefs and still said we are Gods people. What happened, Babylon. What faces our churches is a belief that man knows more than God or that God is smaller, weaker, and less caring than He claimed. So we have to take care of Gods business. Let me tell you, not because I am smart or right on my own, I remember Babylon and I know we dont know half as much as we think. Why am I right, Im not, God is, I am going to remind you that when our churches are filled with pastors that dont stand on the word though they claim to, like the Jewish priests of old did, disaster is coming slow now fast later, just like Babylon, we have already have perverted doctrine and the purpose of the church and though we claim otherwise. False or misguided pastors have usurped Christs headship by forsaking His plan, His way for what they think works, they ask pollsters, politicians, and psychologists, not God. Even denominations like the SBC are loaded with pragmatism not prayer and patience that God will do as He has said . So what do you do, trust God , pray, read His word, if necessary find a church that cares more about God, His word, and maturing His people than filling pews with as many people, saved and weak or just plain lost, as possible so that they can say look how God is blessing . How many church members dont even know why they believe, they are surprised to learn that God doesnt always fix homes and families, businesses and finances, surprised He demands suffering for Jesus. Trust in Gods Devine Providence.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 11:14:01 +0000

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