The great news is GOD has already provided. * Gen 2:7. Everythung - TopicsExpress


The great news is GOD has already provided. * Gen 2:7. Everythung GOD needed, he finished it before he made man. HE gave man the intelect to use everyrhing HE has already provided for us. *HE has already completed the miracle for us. *GOD is now resting because HE has already prepared everything for us. *We can get to the place of rest when we can say currently what HE has said previously. *Evertime GOD said it, HE had already done it. *Whatever comes out of my mouth is manifested in my life. *Dont blame others, blame whats coming out of your mouth. *Your words must obey what you say. Be it good or bad. *Insanity is doing the same things over & over yet expecting a different result. *We have two options: #1Release the miracle in our mouth or #2 Be hung by the tongue. *Just because we dont have what we want dont always think its because were doing something wrong. *The enemy tries to play tricks on us. *Your words dont wait. It is intintanious. Mark 11:20, The disciples were shocked that the fig tree had withered. *Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but GOD delivered them out of it all. *David said: Ive never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread. *GOD gave them 3 principles to live by. * #1... You must have faith in your FATHER. GOD has your back. * #2... You gotta put your mouth on your mountain.Mark 11:23 whoever says to the mountain & dont doubt, assurely it will be done. *Stop whining & crying & put your mouth on it & watch it loosen up. When you dont your mountain will get bigger. * #3 Mark 11:24..You gotta believe that you received even before you get it. Whatever you ask when you pray believe you will receive them & you will have them. *When you say it, its coming. *Speak for it to come, but believe like its already here. *The word Whatever means anything. *Isiah 55:11.My word will not return to me void, but will accomplish that which I please & prosper. *Dont reverse your miracle by the the words in your mouth. *Change your dialogue & youll change your destination.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 04:31:40 +0000

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