The great speakers u see were once the worst - TopicsExpress


The great speakers u see were once the worst fumblers……..great athletes were the ones that fumbled the most, most great scientists had the highest record of failures… ….to be great u need to have a lot of failures than success in ur life..and u can only do that if u don’t give up Your life dream is not defeated by failures, disappointments or defeats….but it is sapped by fear, pessimism, negative thinking and words of hopelessness.. that makes u to give up …these are what saps the very source of life…these are what destroys enthusiasm, energy, ambition, hope and faith…..and all that is needed to make life strong vital and creative….and all that is needed to make life successful…and that is needed to keep u moving You can never meet to victory without the resolve to encounter defeat and discouragement along the way…..the world will never believe in you until it sees how much you believe in yourself, and that can only be by your perseverance against all discouragements that come ur way …success is the child of persistence and you can only persevere if believe in yourself, because a lot of things will come at the beginning to make nobody, even u, to believe in you… ..watver and however big is ur dream in life….believe in yourself that you can do achieve it, and with time all that is standing to defeat you will make you for you to rise to the top… …u don’t need to be good in wat u are doin now to be great in it someday…u only need to keep improving day by day and one day u will be great in watver u do…and u can only do that if u believe in urself There is something great in you waiting to take you to the top if you can only believe in yourself…… Whatever is standin against ur path to success is no anywhere near to the great things in you that is waiting to come out and propel you high to success …and you can only bring out the great things in you to overcome the obstacles standin on ur way in life when you believe in your dream despite all that may come your way! It is not enough to believe in urself when things are going right in ur life…..but it is more that you believe in yourself when all seems to be going wrong in your life…when all hope seems lost… For hopelessness, setbacks, defeats and disappointments are wat u will meet on ur march to a great distination… and when they come against u, it is at such times that God is waiting to see your declaration of faith in Him…ur declaration of faith in what He had created you to become ….and without faith you can never draw God to accomplish what He has created you to be
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 20:23:57 +0000

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