The greatest living democracy in the world has reached a stage - TopicsExpress


The greatest living democracy in the world has reached a stage when an online course correction has become imminent. The clever Indian voter has clearly laid down the rule ‘enough is enough’ and has initiated the online correction by electing AAP as a pilot in the Capital. If this experiment succeeds with tangible results, then India can have a change over of governments ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’. Money, muscle and mockery of good governance will no longer be tolerated and every elected rep will have to become transparent and accountable for his actions in the coming days or else, he will be RECALLED post haste. Word of caution to AAP/AK Team – While there is nothing wrong in aspiring to contest LS seats, the Think Tank of AAP must be careful in not treading on the toes of its supporter – Congress in contituencies that are its stronghold. Within the next few months, it must build its base in all the States, evaluate and recognise clean candidates and then issue Form B. AAP must also recognise its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) in all LS constituencies, recognise the SWOT of other parties also, give credence to such candidates of Congress/ other parties and avoid contesting such seats through consensus, if it has to keep communal forces at bay and to save all sections of our society. AAP must also concentrate and roping in as many young voters as possible. Most youngsters particularly in Degree Colleges have not bothered to register themselves in electoral rolls and if this sizable section is brought into voting segment, it will also help AAP for a better vote percentage. Bottom line: Team AAP was born due to Anna Hazaare’s Gandhigiri movement of anti-corruption plank. Anna must be a part and parcel and any difference of opinion with the old team must be ironed out. This move by AAP may earn a lot of goodwill for AAP in future and their efforts to get into nation wide campaign will get a boost. One should not kick the ladder after reaching the top…
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 05:40:17 +0000

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