The greatest prayer November 25, 2013 By nuwants I am a - TopicsExpress


The greatest prayer November 25, 2013 By nuwants I am a Unitarian Deist, a teacher of this belief. The minister I am may not teach as others do, but I do believe that the creator of my life, and all life, this world, and universe didn’t just plop it all out and turn its back on it. I believe with all my heart and being that the creator loves unconditionally, all that it has created. I also believe that free will and choice make it our responsibility to straighten up the mess we have created of the creator’s creation. I feel that we all are a part of our creator, a family of God if you will. After many years of searching, reading, and listening I also feel that all the books written by divine inspiration lead to the same source, God. I may make some who read this angry, but for me there is only one source, and that source, or Divine Creator truly has just one way of expressing “The Way” we could find everlasting peace and love while experiencing this “Living Life Experience”. Even the Bible, which I grew up learning Christian values from, is another of the many books inspired by a loving mother and father. They were all written by people, and would have imprints from people contained within them. All inspired books have messages within them for those who would search them to find the message. They teach us, as many of you know, how to live as both individuals, and a world that is abundant in all things, if only we would live as they teach. Many a great person has tried to open our eyes to this simple truth. St Francise of Assisi was one of those people. America is coming into the holiday season, there will be those that, because this time will find giving thanks a pretty glum thing to do. In our American society, where Greed seems to be good for a few, many more are being left in states of despair. If you’re super rich, or have a good paying job it may not look so glum. If you are one such person and don’t wake up to the foul truths around you, if you are as many proclaim, a Christian, or spiritual person, and you blindly ignore the foul truth around you, you in fact are not, “Your brother’s keeper”, and in fact are one of the many causes of the mess we have made of God’s creation. For that, “Shame on you”. If you are one of us people who find despair your only way of living, take heart. it is time for a good and great change for us all. Free will and choice will be the denominator of this change, for those who cling to the old, they will end sadly, those who find the change, (wake up), will live eternally as love with peace and abundance in every way. St Francis wrote what I feel was a wonderful prayer; some call it the greatest prayer. It actually doesn’t make any religion or belief, “the one”, and could be recited by anyone. Live this prayer for just one week, say it over and over. You may see a tremendous joy, a wonderful peace as you do. And the more of we, “Human animals” that do this the better for us all. Share this prayer with any who you come in contact with. It is truly by giving that we receive, it may bring to all life on this planet the glorious “Living Life Experience”, we seek today. As you say and think it, feel the old you as it dies, opening your heart to the new you; the “True You”. It is my want for you and all life this Thanksgiving that you find peace, love, and prosperity in abundance through the coming time. This is truly the beginning, not the end. It starts with you, and ends with us… “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury; pardon. Where there is doubt; faith. Where there is despair; hope. Where there is darkness; light. Where there is sadness; joy. Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood; as to understand, to be loved; as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.” —St. Francis of Assisi— Just a thought… Doc
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:35:33 +0000

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