The greatest threat to tradition and conservatism is liberal and - TopicsExpress


The greatest threat to tradition and conservatism is liberal and moderate Christianity. Their continued dissecting of the Scriptures until Moses did not pen the first five books, Isaiah is not the author of the book that bears his name, nor is Dabiel the author of the book that bears his name, and the Bible is full of myths and legends, errors and contractions. Then, there is liberal and moderate Bible scholars who are advocates of Historical Criticism Methodology, and its sub-criticisms: Source Criticism,Tradition Criticism, Form Criticism, Redaction Criticism. Here are just ten of the tip-of-the-iceberg of the things that these scholars would agree with: (1) Matthew, not Jesus, Created the Sermon on the Mount. (2) The commissioning of the Twelve in Matthew 10 is a group of instructions compiled and organized by Matthew, not spoken by Jesus on a single occasion. (3) The parable accounts of Matthew 13 and Mark 4 are anthologies of parables that Jesus uttered on separate occasions. (4) Jesus did not preach the Olivet Discourse in its entirety, as found in the of the gospel accounts. (5) Jesus gave his teaching on divorce and remarriage without the exception clauses found in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9. (6) In Matthew 19:16-17, Matthew changed the words of Jesus and the rich man to obtain a different emphasis or to aoid a theological problem involved in the wording of Marks and Lukes accounts of the same event. (7) The scribes and the Pharisees were in reality decent people whom Matthew painted in an entirely negative light because of his personal bias against them. (8) The genealogies of Jesus in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 are figures of speech and not accurate records of Jesus physical/and or legal lineage. (9) The magi who, according to Matthew 2, visited the child Jesus after his birth are fictional, not real characters. (10) Jesus uttered only three or four of the eight or nine beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12 LIST FROM The Jesus Crisis Who needs enemies like Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, and Jon Stewart, when we have liberal and moderate bible scholars, who make up over 80 percent of the seminaries in the United States? It is our Bible scholars, who give these atheists, agnostics, Bible critics their ammo, so they can turn around and shoot us conservative Christians. Let me say that there are logical and reasonable answers to the things above and any other supposed problem with Scripture. However, in academia today, if you are not dissecting the Scriptures (new hermeneutics), casting doubt on the validity of the bible, you are just some knuckle dragging Neanderthal. In other words, you are caught in a time PRIOR TO the enlightenment of secularism, humanism, and any other type of ism since the 19th century. The battle for the Bible is being faught by some outstanding apologists, who are being backed by a generation of layman apologists, who are interested in getting into the fight. They are defenders of Gods Word and defenders of the faith. The only mistake they are making right now is they only identify the extreme enemies of God, like Richard Dawkins. Real progress will not be made, until they oust the liberal and moderate scholars for what they are, enemies of Gods Word.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:10:59 +0000

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