The greatest tool for overcoming the ego, healing the shadow, - TopicsExpress


The greatest tool for overcoming the ego, healing the shadow, raising your vibration and transcending the human condition is to: Learn to Love ALL of Yourself, UNCONDTIONALLY. We are multidimensional beings with alter egos, sub personalities, conscious and unconscious aspects of ourselves. We are divine and human at the same time. A part of our being lives in perfection and complete union with the Creator of “All That Is” while another part of our being has fragmented and separated itself from the truth of who it really is. The only way to heal and return all of our parts to our truth is to love and accept every aspect of our being. When we truly love ourselves we will be able to acknowledge, accept and integrate everything we have ever been - both our dark and our light. Until we truly love ourselves, we will never be able to truly express love to another being. Many people have a distorted view of what love is. Love is not a feeling; it is an emotion (energy in motion). Love is how we are behaving and interacting with ourselves and others, it is how we choose to carry our energy. Love is a state of BEING. In order to BE love to others we must first learn to BE loving to ourselves. Some of us are so full of fear we create chaos and confusion, not only for ourselves, but also with the very people we think we are being loving to. Love and Fear can never be experienced together, they are polar opposites. When we are in fear we are expressing the darkness and limitations of our ego and shadow consciousness. This creates fragmentation within our being, throwing us out of alignment with our God self. Many people allow fear to have such a tight grip on themselves, they end up sacrificing their own happiness in order to make another being love them. Their fear keeps them from realizing that their own lack of self-love will continue to create loveless, toxic relationships. When we stay in these relationships we are not doing our soul or their soul any good. These relationships are co-dependant and are based on attachment, not love, where each person feeds off of each other’s negative egoic behavioral patterns keeping them stuck in repetitive cycles of low vibrational energies. Staying in these kind of relationships is not loving and will never serve anyone’s highest good. If someone is harming you emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually the most loving thing you can do for yourself and them is to release them. Disengage yourself while you allow them to make their own choices even if you know their choices will create additional suffering for them in the future. Every being has a right to experience life in any way they choose, even if it means they are using God’s energy in a destructive way. Releasing them does not mean you do not love them. Having the courage to set boundaries with these relationships and releasing them, if necessary, sends a message to the Universe that you are willing to learn the lessons involved and are no longer willing to dance this karmic dance. Setting healthy boundaries with others is an act of self-love and can also be a catalyst to the other person’s soul to prompt them to make the necessary changes in their own being that could set them on the path of self-transformation. You can love them from a distance, while you use all of your energy for more constructive life affirming choices for yourself that will also benefit the whole of humanity. Do not compromise the integrity of your soul! Choose to be self-fulfilling and stop expecting someone or something outside of yourself to provide the love you seek. Unconditional love can only be found within yourself, no one else can give you what you already are. Go within yourself and activate it, feel it, be it. You are love! Love yourself enough to be honest with yourself and release everything that no longer serves your highest good. Unconditional love is an unlimited way of being. Allow yourself to bring everything to the surface of your awareness releasing all of your limitations, illusions, out dated beliefs, negative patterns and relationships that interfere with your divine birthright to experience a life of love, peace and harmony. Each of us must evolve and heal our old ways of being so we can access our inner truth and beauty which is held in a deeper aspect of our being. As we truly discover who we are, we realize that the material world, humanity, our ego, our shadow, our parents, our jobs, our friends and physicality cannot define our magnificence. We discover our Spirit, our God self, the true essence of who we are, the very core of our being which is Love. By healing ourselves we are able to tap into our essence of love and it is only through the love of self that we are able to pull divine light into our physical body putting on our “garments of light” which activates our light body. When we are truly “BEING” love, we love every aspect of ourselves regardless of what is being shown to us or what we are creating for ourselves. We understand that all experiences whether they are negative or positive are self created and are blessings in disguise. We realize that pain has a purpose and if it is accepted and brought into our awareness it will provide an opportunity to learn, grow, change and explore. Denial is not loving!! Everything in our lives is a perfect opportunity for us to heal something, create something or experience something in order for us to awaken into the truth of who we are. When we are being love, we recognize that everything is perfectly aligned for the purpose of soul growth, which brings us closer to fulfilling our soul’s journey. We no longer judge ourselves or place blame on someone else and their creations because we know that everything that occurs in our lives is divinely orchestrated to bring each of us closer to God. We realize that everyone is ultimately becoming the light and love of their true essence in human form. Our light body, our divine birthright, cannot be activated until we begin to love ourselves enough to allow our divine energy to flow through us. Through our love for self, we will be able to transmute our denseness into light. Self-love, honesty and the desire to transcend the lower self will bring forth challenges, as all of our unhealed aspects of ourselves begin to be brought forth into the light of our consciousness so we can transform them. The only way to get through this process with ease and grace is to surrender to whatever comes up and love yourself unconditionally. The transmutation of negativity, painful experiences, distorted beliefs and trauma is sometimes uncomfortable. You will most likely re-experience the emotions and feelings that accompany the negativity so you can finally release them. Some of these experiences have been stored in our energy fields for many lifetimes and they are surfacing for a final clearing. The light of your God self is absorbing these distorted aspects of your body / mind / ego self that no longer serve your highest good. In order to become who we truly are, everything that is illusion must rise to the surface and be transmuted. As humanity heals and transforms itself, it will be increasingly important for each of us to practice becoming observers of the situation by practicing loving allowance and compassion. As difficult as it is, we must learn to love every facet of ourselves as we allow and embrace all of our hidden sub- personalities, emotions, feelings, habits, negative patterns and illusions to rise to the surface so we can “see” them. If we are blinded by our negativity and don’t even realize it is there how can we possibly transform it? In order to transcend ourselves and become the beautiful beings that we truly are we must first move through our darkness before we get to the light. Everything that is unembraceable, unacceptable, negative, “bad” is simply a distortion of our divine energy. It must be embraced with love by shining the light of our consciousness on it before it can be transformed. Many of our current belief systems have set us up to reject our own Self-Love. We bought into the belief that humans were so “bad” and unlovable that God sent his “only begotten son” down to Earth to die a brutal death of crucifixion so we could be redeemed from our sins. We bought into the belief that God is an angry God who requested a human sacrifice to compensate for our “badness”. This belief creates guilt, anger, fear, unworthiness, powerlessness and helplessness. It belittles the very nature of our being which is divinity and produces a perpetual cycle of self-condemnation. This belief keeps us from accessing a higher vibration and activating our high heart so we can feel God’s presence within our own being. It creates separation and keeps us looking outside of ourselves for someone to save us instead of us accepting responsibility for our own distortions and misqualified energy so we can transform them. Jesus did not come to Earth to die on the cross for our sins. God chose Jesus to come to Earth to be an example for us to live by and to show us the way to salvation. Jesus came to teach us how to save ourselves. He came to empower the people to look within themselves for the beauty and power of God within: “Behold, the Kingdom of God is Within You, Ye are Gods” Instead of denying our distortions by putting on a false mask of “goodness,” expecting someone outside of ourselves to fix us, each of us needs to step into a place of personal responsibility and self love surrendering to our God self’s desire to show our soul what needs to be healed and transformed. Our God self is just like a parent. If a child does something wrong the parent needs to talk to the child and show them what they did wrong so the child can self correct. If the child doesn’t see what they did wrong how will they be able to learn from their mistakes? Each of us must be willing to honestly look at ourselves through the eyes of self love desiring to see everything within us that needs to be healed and released. As we face God, we face ourselves and if we do not love ourselves, we do not love God. Learn to fall in love with yourself! You are a magnificent beautiful divine being no matter what you have done in your life. The true you, eternal spirit, remains in a state of perfection. Do not judge yourself or anyone else for things that have occurred in the past. Today is a new day and today you can make new choices. Make the choice to be loving to yourself and others even when the world tells you to be critical and harsh. Love yourself right where you are right now in this very moment. Allow everything that needs to be revealed to you, be revealed. Allow everything that needs to be released, be released. Allow all feelings that need to surface, to surface. Allow lessons that need to be learned, be learned. Everything that we have ever experienced as a human being is ripe for resolution and all we have to do is accept ourselves right now and surrender to the process of healing and awakening. Sometimes we expand our consciousness through traumatic events and seemingly harsh circumstances. However, from a higher perspective, there is great growth and beauty in these moments. We are like butterflies, emerging from our cocoons seeking out something new, something not so limiting, something extraordinary that propels us into greater expansion. Love yourself for embarking on this journey! The only person who can truly love you, is you. You are an extension of God and you are made from the Creators Love. Most of us do great harm to ourselves by thinking of ourselves as less than God essence. We are divine God sparks. We are God manifest in reality. Allow yourself to tap into this reservoir of love deep within your heart and you will realize that no thing and no one outside of yourself can truly give you the love you are seeking. You are who you have been waiting for; it is your love you seek. When you begin to truly love yourself and remember how extraordinary you are, you will tap into the divine love of your God self. This is beyond human love it is agape love (spiritual love) and cannot be described with words. It must be personally experienced. When you activate this part of yourself all of your old rules and beliefs about yourself will disappear. Allow yourself to tap into your own dimension of love allowing the new you to be birthed. Embrace how incredibly powerful, unique and magnificent you are. When you remember this about yourself, you will begin to see it in everyone else. Many people use the word “Love” but their actions are not loving and speak volumes. Become aware of the areas in your life where you are “saying” all the right things but your behavior reflects something differently. Make a list of all the reasons you feel you are not loveable. Who helped you create these beliefs? Are these beliefs your truth or are they illusions you have bought into? Choose to acknowledge, heal and release everything from your being that is not love. Look at yourself everyday in the mirror and tell yourself how much you love yourself. Look in your eyes. Take note of your resistance. Look at your body. Give thanks to your body for being the divine temple that houses your spirit and soul. Look beyond your physicality; look for your divine essence that surrounds your body. Hug yourself and tell yourself how much you are loved. What beliefs, habits, relationships, negative thought patterns, activities do you need to let go of that don’t support love for yourself or God’s love for you. Release everything that no longer serves your highest good knowing that something better will be put in its place. Set your intention at the start of each day to utilize any obstacles as opportunities for growth. Choose to learn the most from each obstacle so you can avoid repeating painful situations and toxic relationship patterns. Love without action is meaningless. Action without Love is irrelevant. Deepak Chopra You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Buddha It is possible to undergo a profound crisis involving non-ordinary experiences and to perceive it as pathological or psychiatric when in fact it may be more accurately and beneficially defined as a spiritual emergency - a wake up call. Stanislav Grof This material is copyrighted. You can share this information with proper credits given to Sabrina Reber as the author, complete title of the book RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, provide an image of the cover of the book, and a link to the HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION Facebook page. https://facebook/…/How-to-Raise-Yo…/204840666199710…
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:34:30 +0000

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