The hadith collections of Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim ibn - TopicsExpress


The hadith collections of Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj listed seven major sins, while the tradition from Abdullah ibn Abbas stated that there were closer to seventy major sins. The seven major sins in Islam are as follows: 1.associating any other God beside Allah. 2.witchcraft / magical powers. 3.killing one whom Allah has declared inviolate without a just case, 4.consuming the property of an orphan, 5.devouring usury, 6.turning back when the army advances, and 7.false accusation of chaste women / men who are believers but indiscreet. Although many of the ideas for what is unacceptable overlap, the seven major sins of Islam differs from the seven deadly sins of Christianity. The Islamic sins refer more to specific undesirable behavior rather than to the general negative characteristics or actions of the cardinal Christian sins. Despite the similar names, the seven main sins in Islam are more comparable to the Ten Commandments rather than the seven deadly sins (among Christianity). They both provide the bottom line for believers in terms of what is acceptable behavior in the faith. The actions themselves differ most of the major crimes in Islam relate to subservience to Allah. Any form of polytheism is seen to be the most severe offense in the religion and all of the other transgressions are in some form of association with Allah. Witchcraft, for example, is the taking on of supernatural powers in order to make the practitioner a being above the normal human. This challenges the power of Allah as the person in question has superseded their mortal position to become something greater and akin to a God. The same can be said of murder, as ultimately the power to decide who shall live and die is believed to belong solely to Allah. Life is thought to be a gift from Allah and the unjust taking of life is a severe spiritual offense, as it is not only seen as morally wrong but also as an affront to God. For anyone who reads and understands the basis of the greatest seven sins mentioned above according to Islamic laws, for anyone whosoever has committed any one or more of the above sins quoted, pure repentance in Arabic called as TAUBA TUN NASUHA is the only solution to avoid torment of hell fire for life after dead, there is no second chance in life, for life on earth is granted only for once, take it seriously, before its late, before its all over! before the time ends! before the life ends! Life on earth is a brief tenancy for all existing humans, take it seriously, remember on your own funeral, your own friends will be curious about the time left before your funeral is raised to be deposited in grave !
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:26:05 +0000

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