The hand is being the being is hand the hand is all being the - TopicsExpress


The hand is being the being is hand the hand is all being the being is all hand for the hand is at being for the being is at hand from what is at hand is being for what is at being is hand and it was and it is the hand that opens out being to beings as it is the hand that opens our hand to hands for many hands make light work for many being make light work and it was and it is the hand that brought light to being brings light to being for man made fire from the hands to illuminate being making beings hold hands I live from hand to mouth from mouth to hand for my hand gives my mouth being to be for my hand feeds my being for my hand frees my being for my hand feels my being for my hand hands me my being to be holding my being molesting my being caressing my being stroking my being grasping my being assaulting my being strangling my being killing my being which is why the hands both make and break being bringing being to be bringing being not to be and my fate awaits me in both my hands The sensation of thinking comes from the hands not the head for thinking and writing come straight from the hands and not straight from the head as hands are beings that think for themselves that write for themselves being-hands for themselves existing at hand being at hand as being-hand being-there thinking-there writing-there so you have to hand it to your hands for your hands hand it to you for your hands hand you your mind hand you your head hand you your words hand you your being The hand speaks before the written word writes before the written word was written for thus hand comes before writing speaking before writing for the hand speaks the mind for the mind is the hand that speaks its mind for the hand is handful of being mindful knowing that thinking is handing that speaking is handing that writing is handing that painting is handing that sculpting is handing for our handing originates our being as being hand as hand being being mind being for the hand comes to mind hand Your mind is you hand and so how you use your hand dictates and initiates how you use your mind for your hand is handful of it being mindful where having a full hand is having a full mind and an empty hand is an empty mind so you need to know how to be open handed to be open minded and to know how to throw for only by throwing does knowing come to mind for the throwing of the hand comes the retrieving of the mind for to throw is to be out of mind and to retrieve to be in of mind coming to hand What comes to hand comes to mind for hand is mind for being mindful merely means being handful for to be mindful is to be handful and to have an empty hand is to have an empty mind and the artist empties his hand of paint and clay by emptying his mind of paint and clay throwing the stuff down out of hand out of mind for the artist has to be out of mind out of hand in order to be able to paint and sculpt throwing the paint tearing the clay yet letting the paint be yet letting the clay be letting the hand be A hand shake determines your type of mind and how tight your grip is how tight your mind is and those very tight grips have an anally-retentive mind that is tight fisted and mean minded being mean with mind being mean with money holding on tight to the mind holding on tight to the money holding the money tight in the hand holding the shit tight in the arse not wanting to open out the hand not wanting to open out the arse yet the hand shake with a light grip is open minded open handed open arsed The way you hold your pen does not always synchronise with the way you hold your penis for writing and masturbating are done differently by the same hand and not everyone knows how to write just like not everyone knows how to masturbate for there is an art to writing just as there is an art to masturbating and knowing how to hold the pen and knowing how to hold the penis are absolutely essential in ordaining and secreting the sensations selected for a coming of writing for a writing of coming Your hands show if you are innocent or guilty of being or not being innocent or guilty of being human or being alien as your hands show who you are and what you are and if you are a liar or a truther for your hands tell us if you are lying or truthing for your hands always give you away give the game away for you sit on your hands or hide your hands in your pockets for you know that they are all reading your hands reading your lying for your hands give you away for we all know that the hands never lie Your hands are by far the most naked part of your body the most exposed part of your body much more private and personal than your private parts below as your hands are your most private parts your most naked parts revealing who you really are much more than the eyes much more than the nose much more than the mouth much more than the ears for your hands are the sum of all your bodily parts so reveal your dasein reveal your destiny revealing your destiny dasein revealing your future fate We hear when we are all-ears and we speak when we are all-hands for the hands speak always already before the mouth speaks before the tongue speaks before the voice speaks before languaging of wording is speaking as our originary tongue was our hand that spoke before the word was spoken for the hand spoke when we grunted when we groaned way before we came to our wording languaging that still lags behind the spoken-economy of our infinite-hands that speak where and when words fail At the inception of handing with hands was an initiating soundless gesture without words that refuses to speak-in-words whilst speaking with hands that say what has to be said without words with gestures that began before words came to hand for the gesture of the hand originated and initiated speaking as gesturing way before our words came from our mouths that then forgot that the hands spoke in our originary tongue that was more mindful and meaningful in being able to speak without words Handing was initiated way before wording was for speaking with words lacks what the hands have to say have to speak for the hands speak so well without words for even when we are speaking wording with words we tend to use our hands as words making gestures to fill the gaps that language so lacks for we know that our hands are really what is speaking us saying us being us whilst our words always fail us thus we rely on the economy of gesture to gesture with other beings with gesturing hands One of Our own Hands are always Absolutely Other always Feeling like the Hand of God as Our own Hand and when I Sculpt and Write I know It is the Hand of God and not My own Hand for No way would I Sculpt or Write like that like God so My Hand of God that is Not My Hand is the Ontological Proof for the Existence of God yet on the other hand I am the Absolute Evidence for the Existence of God because the Hand of God is My Hand Absolutely as I have the Hand of God as I am the Hand of God at hand Not all humans have being just as not all humans have hand for not all humans come-to-being as not all humans come-to-hand for not all humans are being-at-hand for not all humans are hand-at-being for when we look at humans-at-hand we will be aware that not all humans have hands-at-hand but have claws or paws not being able to handle objects but only claw objects and paw objects unable to hold-objects-at-hand only being able to claw-objects-at-claw only being able to paw-objects-at-paw The way subjects handle objects tends to tell us the way in which subjects handle other subjects since there is an art in handling objects as there is an art in handling subjects and when we see subjects handle their LPs handle their CDs handle their DVDs we then tend to know as a rule as a whole how they will handle subjects for our hands have a hold on the truth of how a subject holds other subjects since hands hold the truth of our being telling tales of how we handle other beings at hand in hand On the one hand I know my hand is my hand on the other hand I know my hand is not my hand for one of my hands feels like one of my hands on the other hand one of my hands does not feel like one of my hands on the other hand both of my hands feel like they are both of my hands on the other hand neither of my hands feel like they are my hands on the other hand my hands feel like they are claws on the other hand my hands feel like they are paws on the other hand my hands are from an other One has to hand it to God for having infinite hands being the infinite God of infinite hands that has no hand for the hand of God is the no hands of the infinite hands of the infinite God and so one has to hand it to God for having infinite hands where on the other hand there are no other hands for on the other hand is the finite hand other to the infinite hands of God that have no other hand on the other hand for the hands of God have no other hand on the other hand as God has no other hand on the other hand Being at hand or not being at hand decide concerning being-there and non-being for not all beings are at hand for not all beings are at there and the hand is where being is at as being at hand being at there which is why not all beings are at there for not all hands are at there for hands inform us if a being is there in hand at hand being-at-there being-at-hand yet not all hands have a being for not all hands have a there so if you take a hand in hand then you will know if a being is there at hand in hand I pray hand in hand hand on hand I pray is private I pray in secret no one must see one pray for public prayer common prayer is mimetic prayer saying the same silence praying in silence praying a prayer where what matters is the silence of prayer in public the silence of common prayer in public but to pray in private one can speak out the secret in silence saying the silence of prayer praying not to be the preyed upon preying upon my praying that is praying a prayer that prays to end praying in prayer I pray I will die and keep praying I will die praying that my death will come as an answer to my prayers yet knowing my prayers cannot be answered knowing that my death cannot be answered knowing that I cannot pray for my death for my death is what prays for me what prays me what preys upon me for prayers are death itself praying for death is what prays upon us for death is what preys upon us always praying upon us always preying upon us preying upon our praying for we are prey of prayer I pray to write with a steady hand for only in prayer are my hands steady in prayer preying that I will one day write without trembling without shaking for I write out of fear with these nervous hands writing in fear trembling in writing shaking in writing where writing has the shakes where writing has a panic attack for writing is handing and only handing so as the hand is trembling so the writing is trembling so as the hand is shacking so the writing is shacking and so I pray my writing will turn into praying Fate awaits your hand for fate awaits you in hand for fait awaits you in your hands for fate awaits you at-hand-in-hand for fate is in your hands for fate is inscribed in your hands written in your hands to be read from your hands where palmistry is the science of fate of what awaits your fate at hand in hand awaiting you in the palms of your hands for palm reading reads what is written in hand inscribed in the palms of your hands in the life-lines on the palms of your hands fore-telling your future in hand The intellectual does not read the hand being superstitious of palmistry as intellectual superstition stops the intellectual from palm reading from being inscribed in palm reading preferring to read from the mind rather read from the hand yet forgetting that the mind is hand that the hand is mind being mind at hand being hand at mind thinking that minding is severed from handing for intellectual superstition palms off palmistry with peasantry thus unaware palmistry is a primordial intellectual awareness The hand is now always already there always already now for the hand has no time for time no time-lines on its hand for the now knows no time where what one named as past and present and future are nothing but the now-nothing but the now-hand gathered up in the hands grasped by the hand gripped by the hand held by the hand for the hand holds the now for now always already now in the now in the know of the now in the know of the now being-now being-hand being now at hand in hand as hand The hand as being always there as being-there at hand as hand-there at being knows no passivity knows no non-productivity for there can be no hand that is non-productive for even in sleep even in being empty the hand is doing being just by being hand at hand at being as hand as being and by being-hand the hand is always up to something always doing-something especially when doing-nothing and indeed in doing-nothing the hand is at work producing-being in being-productive in doing-nothing One inspects who one is when one examines the hands that one might have as not all those that are there have hands that are being there for those that are there only come to being there through being hand as hands at hand and so when one looks into hands one will come to know who has being for even if we see all beings appearing all to have hands those are not hands that have being even if they are hands that have there so look to see if you have hands to see if you have being at hand in hand The origin of seeing does not come from the eyes but comes from the hands for the palm of your hand is your interior eye and your first initiation and first entry into seeing is from handing for your hand hands you your sight to see being at hand being in hand so your first initiation and first entry into seeing came form handling the handing of handling hands that handed you your hands to see with so to hold hands is to see sight and your hands were your originary eyes seeing into who you were in hand It is our hands that see who we are for our hands are our windows into our souls for our hands are our mirrors reflecting who we are and if we are for hands hand us the gift of being and the gift of there for some hands have being but no there and some hands have there but no being so one has to be handful that is mindful of whose hands have eyes as to be handful is to be eyeful for our hands were our originary eyes for when our hands looked into our eyes they saw into ourselves seeing our self at hand Alex Verney-Elliott, Being Hand; Being & Alien, Bloomsbury, London: 2014. Otto Klemperer conducting the LA Phil at the Hollywood Bowl in in 1933.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 09:13:21 +0000

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