The hardest thing to do as a Christian is also the most simple. We - TopicsExpress


The hardest thing to do as a Christian is also the most simple. We want it everyday yet struggle to find the time. We want to surrender all we are in a full state of worship to our God and Mirror his perfect example of life. Yet we struggle to say hi and share a smile with a stranger because were fearful of rejection. Our God went to the pour,beaten, sinful,lost, starving, abandon by their own people, even to his own nation. It was his goal to treat every single soul he came across equally,no matter what the sin of their life was, he loved them because theyre his creation. Yet we,who hold the title of Christian, cant even be kind to our enemies. We want to be like our God, but do you pray and defend those that are setting out to bring you down? Even on the cross Christ defended us. He cried out forgive them for they know not what they do but we cant even get up the nerves to say sorry. Oh how shameful, weak, and lazy we are. You wonder why we struggle to bring others to Christ? Its because we make the extreme claim to be mirrors of our savior yet we dont even put in the effort to live it. I dont want to be another Pharisee that yells loudly in the streets or prays loudly with look at me, look at my suffering,look how great I am prayers so that onlookers can praise me for my false humility. The reality of making the claim of a Christian is that were to go out of our way in showing the love weve seen in Christ. That means more that just apologizing to your enemy, it means feeding them too. It means going and putting them first and showing the same grace weve been given. This is me calling all the others out, if youre going to call yourself a Christian than you need to live it.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 06:54:18 +0000

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