The harvard students are probably right believe it or not.. The - TopicsExpress


The harvard students are probably right believe it or not.. The question was who was the bigger threat to global world peace.. As of now IS (ISIS/ISIL/WhateverTheirNameIsThisWeek) isnt powerful enough to be much of a threat to anybody outside of Iraq & Syria without using terror attacks.. ISIS doesnt have a Navy, Airforce, or even a real army.. And honestly they wouldnt even be much of a threat now if the Iraqi army hadnt turned tail and run away when it was 30,000 Iraqi troops facing about 800 ISIS fighters leaving ISIS with millions of dollars in cash and US Military equipment.. If left unchecked it might be possible for ISIS to grow into a real threat to the world eventually but honestly as of now theyre still a pretty small group that is getting a lot of publicity.. Take Syria for example, when ISIS attacks them there is little or no response from their allies in the international community.. By contrast when we mentioned the possibility of going into Syria there was a big response from Russia which could have got real ugly real quick. The US is more of a potential threat to global world peace because we hold more power plain and simple.. If ISIS invades Syria its a Syrian problem, by contrast if the US invaded Syria it could be the start of World War III..
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 21:37:04 +0000

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