The hate everything, new trend, via social media is sad. Hate does - TopicsExpress


The hate everything, new trend, via social media is sad. Hate does not make the world go round! Everyone is screaming peace and happiness but you must love deeply to achieve that! The world has enough anger and hate. Do you really think youre cool or attractive having such a negative outlook on life? Its almost like, a trend is trending because of the people who hate on it instead of from the majority who love it. Here is an example of hate. I see more people posting oh great here go all the 9/11 posts filling up my news feed than I do of actual 9/11 remembrance posts. It doesnt matter what your beliefs on the war, the attack, or how the U.S. Has handled the attack, are! There were thousands of people lost that day. Would you be so bitter and hateful if it were your wife, child, mother, father, or husband that died that day? Thinking about how many people innocently lost their lives on that tragic day is worth remembering! Its worth it regardless of who what when where why or how! My heart goes out to those who lost family and friends that day. I dont know you, out there somewhere, your still grieving, but I love you. I wont belittle you or your loved ones on Facebook because I understand that hate can make your grieving process harder. As a nation we need to stand together so I am here to support you and mourn with you! Please, my Facebook friends and fellow Americans, lets share our love to one another! Share with me a good movie you saw! Share with the world why you love fried chicken... But please, please remember that hate fuels evil. Focus on the good :) everyone has an opinion about everything, but Facebook seams like a hate journal except when it comes to yourself. Then your posting cool pictures and loving yourself. Love and respect others... And everytime you see something to be negative about, try to find a positive about it, also. Its not always easy. I understand that. But LIFE is easier with more positive thoughts :) embrace those thoughts. Share those thoughts! Boost the moral of your Facebook audience by being positive! On a side note REMEMBER! 9/11/2001.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:50:06 +0000

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