The hearings regarding Obamacare are love on Fox, Cnn and MSNBC. - TopicsExpress


The hearings regarding Obamacare are love on Fox, Cnn and MSNBC. Fox showed the previous hearing uninterrupted while CNN interrupted often so that you were unable to hear an entire answer. Sebellius has already lied and Obama has lied often because lo and behold, that part of the bill Obama insisted would allow those that had private insurance could keep it (you were grandfathered in) was, in fact, changed without anyone being told so that millions are now getting cancellation notices. Obama continued to state you could keep private insurance if you wanted it even after the law was secretly changed. If Obama didnt know the law had changed, thats bad enough but if he knew and still continued to lie, well, all one can say is Business as usual for Obama who has led from behind and by deception his entire presidency. You hear Liberals tout then why was he re-elected? BECAUSE OF THE MILLIONS MORE ON SOME TYPE OF WELFARE who voted for the one they knew would continue to give it to them. Sebelius is trying to maneuver her way out of lies and deception and a dismal failure that is going to hurt more than it will help and has side-stepped each attempt to get her to answer why Obama said you can keep your private insurance if you want it. I will now say it. WE TOLD YOU SO. Sebelius is even blaming the fault of the web site failure on Verizon. Now she just said shes not pointing fingers at Verizon. THATS ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS SHE SAID. Then she wants tio blAme the private contractor who made the web site? Well, who hired that OUTSOURCED company who had so many negative reviews? There is now a Democrat calling her out on the grandfathered clause which she still insists is law. If she isnt fired or charged with perjury, that will be just another scandal that has been nothing but Obamas presidency. Its YOURS, big man. It isnt called Bushcare. YOU OWN IT. YOU are the most pathetic president weve ever had and have changed our great country into something unrecognizable. Of those who have been able to sign up, almost all have signed up for the free Medicaid. That spells ruin for those who will need Medicare services since Obama stated 7 million you, healthy people needed to sign up THIS month (the web site has been down almost ALL month) and millions more need to sign up each month thereafter. Yeah, look for it. People who have had their insurance cancelled are finding on the site their premiums are 100-400% higher. Notice nothing has ever been mentioned by anyone about deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance. our deductible has gone from $400 each to $1500 each and from what I hear, were some of the luckier ones. The poor get it free, the rich (who are mostly Liberals so those who spout how the millionaires wants to keep the working man down like the asswipe Stewart Aycuff we had to endure screaming about the millionaires who want to hurt the working man made us want to puke but we just sat there with blank stares on our faces. This was at that union conference we went to and it was such a crap load of propaganda, Im thankful only Chris had to endure it but he did fill me in on all of it. So far, Sebelius has only been a success in avoiding answering questions forthright and honestly. So I say once again, thank you, you ignorant Liberals. Ive avoided that type name calling thus far but its now just as Obama used for his 2012 campaign - divide and conquer and he was successful. Strange how it went from hope and change where he swore he could fix everything wrong with our country in three years which was such an unreal thought yet so many bought into it or either voted for him because hes black. Bi-racial is NOT black, you silly idiots but keep on with your delusions. This country is now a country of redistribution and its the middle class which is being destroyed by it although everyone has to remember Obamas mantra that he wants to raise up the middle class. I call him on it - BS! And now Democrats who are truly open minded are beginning to call him on it. Of course, those that are so stubborn they would follow their Pied Piper into the sewer will never change their stance. I also call them on their stubborn ignorance.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:53:17 +0000

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