The heart chakra (Anahata) is the fourth of the seven bodily - TopicsExpress


The heart chakra (Anahata) is the fourth of the seven bodily chakras in the Hindu nadi system, also referred to as the ‘core of our spirit’. It connects the world of matter (lower three chakras) to the world of spirit (higher three chakras). This chakra is associated with the powerful frequencies of love and compassion. The state of the heart is reflected back at us by the power and quality of love in our lives. Clearing this chakra helps us to overcome issues of the lower chakras so that we may evolve spiritually. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra translates as “unstruck” or “unhurt”. Healthy heart chakra energy relates to our ability to transcend past hurts and return to a state of unconditional love. When we embrace love as a state of being (rather than being something that is outside of ourselves) we dissolve the illusion of separation and celebrate oneness with all other beings. We transcend the ego and loosen our personal boundaries. When our heart chakra energy is balanced and healthy we radiate love, kindness, joy, compassion, empathy, tolerance and forgiveness. We love and accept ourselves and others unconditionally and without judgement. An important aspect of being able to love others unconditionally is being able to accept and love ourselves. What we do not have we cannot give to another. Mastery in relationships involves a certain level of self-serving to maintain our own inner balance. The risk of exhilarating love is that it is easy to lose our grounding, the delicate balance between serving ourselves and serving the other is lost. Many people lose their alignment by giving too much or giving when their energy is depleted. Society and religion teach us that selfishness is ‘bad’, yet altering our own energetic balance creates a coherent centre within ourselves which in turn harmonises the energy around us. Heart chakra imbalances show up as any issues surrounding love. Manifestations include an inability to get over a broken heart and move forward, lack of self- love, lack of joy and happiness in life, abandonment issues, feelings of betrayal and an inability to trust in relationships. Physical symptoms include heart related conditions such as high blood pressure, palpitations, atrial fibrillation, heart attack, stroke and so on. Shortness of breath, excessive perspiration and pain in between the shoulder blades are also signs of heart imbalance.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 16:36:04 +0000

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