The heart line is about any and all matters concerning love. If - TopicsExpress


The heart line is about any and all matters concerning love. If your heart line starts under your index finger, you have a satisfying love life. If it starts beneath your middle finger, you are selfish in love. If it starts somewhere in between your first finger and your middle finger, you fall in love easily! LINES A short heart line denotes little interest in romance. You’d rather do other things! If your heart line touches your life line, it means your heart breaks easily. A long, curvy heart line means you express your feelings with ease and tact. A straight heart line which runs parallel to your life line means you are exceptionally practical in matters of love. A wavy heart line means you will have many lovers, few of them serious… ! If there’s a circle on your heart line, it signifies sadness or depression. A broken heart line, or small lines crossing your heart line, shows emotional trauma of some kind. The head line shows your intellect or wisdom. In general, a curvy line denotes creativity and spontaneity, while a straight line favours practicality and structure. A short head line means you prefer physical accomplishments over intellectual ones; you’d rather go hiking than write an essay. A wavy line shows that you have a short attention span, while a deep, long line is evidence of a clear, focussed thinker. A straight head line means you are a realist. If your head line is separated from your life line, it means you have a lust for life and an unquenchable thirst for adventure! If there is a circle or cross in your head line, this denotes an emotional crisis of some kind. Multiple crosses show that you have to make a lot of very big decisions in your lifetime. The life line is the line of destiny. It shows your character, as well as any important events that will happen in your life. And don’t worry: contrary to popular belief, the length of the line doesn’t show when you’re going to die! If your life line is very close to your thumb, it means you have low energy and are often tired. Conversely, a wide, curvy life line shows that you have plenty of energy. If it swoops in a semi-circle, you are strong and enthusiastic. If it’s straight and stays close to the edge of your palm, you are cautious in your relationships. A long, deep life line shows your inner vitality, while a short and shallow life line means you are easily manipulated by others. If there’s a circle in your life line, it shows that you will be hospitalised or injured. A break in the line shows major changes in lifestyle. The fate line can be read in conjunction with the life line to show the future. By the way, not everyone has a fate line, so don’t feel bad if yours is nowhere to be seen! A deep fate line shows that you are strongly controlled by destiny. (It’s up to you if you choose to believe that or not!) If there are a lot of breaks in your fate line, it means that external forces will change your life many times. A fate line that is joined to the life line shows that you are an aspirational, self-made babe. If your fate line starts at the base of your palm, you will find yourself in the public eye often!
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 16:56:02 +0000

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