The history of the sunni / shia divide began in the early history - TopicsExpress


The history of the sunni / shia divide began in the early history of Islam though it was nothing like what we have today. Shiah means supporter of .....: originally, the shia of Ali were only referring to those who sided with Ali in the fighting between Ali and Muawiyah, from which rose the first sect of Islam - the khawaarij. Their dispute was only that they felt Ali was correct and on the truth above Muawiyah regarding who should punish the killers of Uthman ibn Affan (the 3rd khalifah) - Ali, the Khalifah or Muawiyah the cousin and next of kin of Uthman. At this time there was never any suggestion that Abu Bakr or Umar or Uthman were unworthy of being rulers or accusing them of any crime. Later, the supporters of Ali grew in their exaggeration. Ali (ra) himself fought the khawaarij, and the next group of shia that rose was instigated by a hypocrite called Abdullah ibn Saba - he introduced the idea of infallibility among the descendants of Ali and even claimed that Ali was god. Ali (ra) ordered those who said so to repent and they refused so he executed them. However their continued groups of shiah of different varieties. Among them were some who were not corrupted at all and were generally just those who stressed on the family of the prophet and favoured Ali over others such as Zaidis. Other groups would curse and slander Abu Bakr and Umar and other companions of the prophet (saw) following in the footsteps of Abdullah ibn Saba, these grew into the 12 Imamers and continued to add to their deviation with kufr beliefs such as the idea that the QUran has been distorted and that the companions changed and betrayed the prophet and his family, and even accusing Aisha of evil and many other kufr beliefs. These continue to exist today and they are a kufr entitiy - those among them who hold these kufr beliefs are not Muslim, whereas if among them was one like the former group who did not hold kufr ideas, then they are Muslims though deviant from the path of the companions. Others exaggerated further and became a completely new religion with a creed like the christians or jews among them are the Alawis and Nusayris who claim Ali is God., Others said Ali was a messenger of Allah, others claim that there are prophets after Muhammad - these include the bahais, agha khanis, ismaeelis, ahmedis (qadianis) and other religions. These are completely not muslim and are like hindus or sikhs even if they call themselves Muslims. So they are not all the same. The root of the anger and hatred between sunnis and shia stems from the frequent betrayal throughout history by shia against Sunnis from the time of Ali when they turned into khawaarij and fought the Muslims, to the time of Husayn when they betrayed him, to all other eras when they would betray Muslims and help non muslims against them. Shia accuse Sunnis of being Naasibi meaning those who hate the family of the prophet and accuse them of usurping the authority from Ali and his descendants. Malika Kirtley
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 00:00:12 +0000

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