The home straight of 2014 is almost upon us, has it been a good - TopicsExpress


The home straight of 2014 is almost upon us, has it been a good year to reflect back on for you or are you still in the same position you were this time in 2013? This was my 2013 new years resolution: I’ve always considered myself to be fit and healthy from a young age accumulating in running a marathon, over 20 half marathons and more recently trying endurance races like Tough Mudder and a Duathlon. Having spent my twenties enjoying university life I piled on weight and was quite unhealthy and then in my early thirties became obsessed with the gym searching for the perfect body but not actually giving my body the right nutrients to function correctly thinking I could out train a poor diet. With a full time job, 2 young children, a husband permanently posted overseas it finally took its toll leaving me unable to function happily, have any energy to do fun things with my girls, low self esteem and exhausted come 7.30pm each night. In December 2013 I realized looked a mess and felt even worse so things had to change. I made a new years resolution to overhaul my health and lifestyle by December 2014. I began taking the capsules in January to supplement my diet and began taking the shakes to take post sport. Within months the difference was incredible and I now sleep better, have so much energy, am in better physical shape than when I as in my twenties, I no longer get colds or coughs, I’m running harder, faster and for longer achieving PB after PB with instant recovery. My girls and my skeptical husband are all now benefitting from the capsules and through cleaning up our diet in small ways we are seeing massive benefits. Having lost my dad, aunty and uncle to cancer I am fully aware that life is very precious and deserves the utmost respect. Thanks to the business I now fully understand what fruit and vegetables can do to the body at cellular level and how Juice Plus+ has been clinically proven to reduce DNA damage by up to 66%. Its frightening to know that all cancers start from DNA damage. The main thing is for me is that we have succeeded in overhauling our lifestyle and I know I am giving myself, Nick and my girls the best chance to prevent ill health and to grow old gracefully and that’s priceless. “Do what youve always done and have what youve always had What’s your new years resolution going to be in 2015???
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 20:36:04 +0000

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