The hubris of man has always been consensus based on assumptions - TopicsExpress


The hubris of man has always been consensus based on assumptions and I am right now pointing out a big one. There is currently a scientific consensus that black holes must preserve physical information in their horizons somehow. "Physical information" is referring to quantum determinism and reversibility in the form of the quantum evolution operators via some as yet undiscovered form of quantum gravity. Even without a formal theory of quantum gravity, there is a huge problem looming even if we did have one. If black holes preserve information in their horizons it would be in a constant state of change. Material is constantly being added to a black hole so the horizon would always be preserving new physical information over time. Meaning all black hole horizons are utterly unique entities based on the black holes mass. In this case there are 2 possibilities with regard to theoretical black hole coalescence events or merger attempts. Either, we must discover a way to describe quantum gravity then use that theory to mathematically explain how the constantly changing horizons of 2 black holes can scramble unique physical information preserved in their respective horizons. Then mathematically explain how the new black hole somehow sorts this out later after the coalescence event. (Intuition suggests this to be an utterly irrational and seemingly impossible event. Which I refer to as "Black Hole Merger Paradox" or "Black Hole Merger Problem") OR Black Holes can never merge. Binary black holes must surrender mass before their unique horizons can interact. This implies a form of synthesis by an unknown process to preserve the unique quantum evolution operators being maintained in each black holes respective horizon. Singulosynthesis: Is a deterministic process by which binary black holes must synthesize each other based on their mass to preserve the physical information in their unique horizons at the expense of time. (my leading suspicion is this occurs at the relativistic velocity of C in the binary black hole system). What might synthesizing black hole synthesize you might ask? Well... what elements on the periodic table have no definitive method for creating them? Big hint here... the first 4. So hang on just a second... If this implies how the universe began... How can we reconstruct and mathematically describe the process that created the universe? Black hole mergers still occur thankfully, albeit on a less frequent basis. This event is on the very edge of our perception right now. We must observe some unique patterns in gravitational waves (which have not yet been detected), I have four possible patterns in mind right now. They are unique patterns in the sense that nobody has thought of them and therefore nobody has bothered looking for them. Once these unique generic patterns can be located, we can focus our observations at pinning down the true signature of a synthesizing black hole precisely. This will reveal the mass loss rate of a binary black hole during Singulosynthesis. With that information in hand we can then simulate the true sub Planck environment of a black hole, establish a quantum theory of general relativity, amend the second law of thermal dynamics, and figure out a great deal more. Otherwise the universe is inherently irrational. Unfortunately, Houston has a problem. Right now gravitational interferometers are using exact predetermined theoretic gravitational wave signatures to hunt for patterns in the observed data. Patterns based on the assumption that black holes do indeed coalesce. My idea requires the opposite method to be detected. The gravitational waves I seek must be observed then quantified. However all may be good... if I am right, black holes will likely be found using the predetermined theoretical match pairing signature method. If they are found, I predict they will deviate from their expected behavior drastically at some point. It will be important to not lose track of them when they do. While I hate making assumptions, I do tend do collate ideas mentally from greatest to least based on their possibility. My currently most probable scenario has binary black holes synthesizing each other based on their mass once they reach the binary relativistic orbital velocity of C. The mass of the binary black holes in this event will drastically influence the behavior of the event in any theoretical binary black hole situation. Binary black holes of roughly equal mass will behave normally until they reach a relativistic orbital velocity of C. To prevent further orbital decay both black holes would synthesize mass back and forth to create a binary orbital velocity that may equal C but never exceed C. As the binary black hole systems overall gravitational wave signature diminishes, the new matter being synthesized is inheriting the difference; gravitational waves from the system become the new wave form of matter synthesized at C. This is my benign Singulosynthesis scenario. Get ready for the kicker... Now consider the extreme scenario, you have a 6 solar mass black hole trying to merge with 1m solar mass black hole in a young galaxy. In this case, to maintain a relativistic orbital velocity at C the 6 solar mass black would have to synthesize mass at C to prevent horizons from merging. This could very well be a currently unknown explanation for some gamma ray burst events. If this is the case, the gravitational wave signature will be the waveform of the matter and energy produced by the burst itself. Gamma ray bursts with no afterglow come to mind. In the "standard model everything" paradigm, part of the hunt for gravitational waves is to see what their correlation with gamma ray bursts might be. In my paradigm, some gamma ray bursts may contain both the gravitational wave signature within the very particle waves and the duration of black hole failure in the burst itself. Once again, gamma ray bursts with no afterglow come to mind.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 03:25:43 +0000

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