The huge Success of Peoples Question Time organised by the Peoples - TopicsExpress


The huge Success of Peoples Question Time organised by the Peoples Assembly at York Hall in London Last night has inspired many people. The positive involvement of Russell Brand in the event and live streaming on Social Media led to the hashtag #PeoplesQT to briefly trend at the top spot on Twitter. This shows that it is possible for the Left to engage with a wide audience. The other events of last night with a Stunning UKIP Victory in Clacton and UKIP coming a close 2nd to Labour in Heywood also show the complete failure of the Left to make any impact in electoral politics enabling the UKIP to portray itself as the popular alternative to a corrupt political establishment. Farage talks of UKIPs Peoples Army on the march. It is clear that with the exception of the Green Party the Left is not going to make any advance electorally in the General Election in May 2015. Left Unity is possible in England but a complete rethink is needed. In July 2013 Mark France of Left Unity Republican Socialist Tendency wrote this short document we republish it here as we consider its ideas to still be relevant... PEOPLES Democracy Name: The Name of Our Party is PEOPLES DEMOCRACY . Our party campaigns for peace, fights for Justice and demands Respect. Membership: Any individual whose normal place of residence is in the Country of England and who shares the aims and objectives of PEOPLES DEMOCRACY can become a member. Any group of 5 or more members in a geographical area can form a branch of PEOPLES DEMOCRACY. Our goal is the establishment of branches that mirror Parliamentary Constituencies. Aims and Objectives: Our Primary Aim is: To win popular mass support for the creation of a Green and Pleasant Socialist Republic in England. Our Primary Objectives are: I. To Encourage and respect the self organisation and empowerment of all sections of society in England who are exploited, oppressed, alienated and marginalised by the reality of life under capitalism II. To Work with those in the neighbouring countries of Wales, Scotland and Ireland who are struggling for social and environmental justice. III. To Work with those across Europe and Internationally who are struggling for social and environmental justice. IV. To Establish the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service. V. To Participate in Local and Parliamentary Elections in order to popularise the Aims and Objectives of PEOPLES DEMOCRACY. VI. To Ensure that members of PEOPLES DEMOCRACY who win elected office are accountable to their electorate via developing new forms of direct participatory democracy including the right of recall. VII. To Secure by reform of existing institutions of or via the creation of new structures a new society based upon PEOPLES POWER. Basic Principles 1. Democracy The linguistic roots of the word Democracy comes from two Greek words – Demos, meaning people;s and Kratos meaning power. Therefore our Party not only advocates Peoples Power as a political objective for the whole of society but it functions as a living example of Peoples Power at every organisational level. 2. Votes The way our Democracy works in practice is based upon the result or outcome of Votes. Every member of our party is encouraged and will be empowered to actively participate in internal discussions. Every member of our party is encouraged and will be empowered to contribute their thoughts, feelings and ideas as part of a genuine collective. 3. Decisions At all levels of our Party Decisions shall be made on the basis that a Majority of Votes for any given proposal has been achieved. Once a Decision has been made our Party encourages and will empower all members of our party to take collective ownership of decisions made and to implement them in practice. 4. Action Our Party seeks to encourage and empower all people in society to become active participants in collective action to make positive changes in our world. All members of our Party are encouraged and will be empowered to act as champions of the oppressed. Together we act and via our action we inspire other to join the struggle for Peoples Power. 5. Disputes Our Party recognises the fractured, atomised and individualistic culture dominant in capitalist society ferments social conflict. Our Party encourages and will empower all members to resolve conflicts via open democratic discussion. Our Party encourages and will empower all members to respect each other and value cultural diversity. Our Party will establish a Dispute Resolution Committee elected by National Conference. The Dispute Resolution Committee will encourage and empower any member who has a grievance to come forward seeking to resolve any dispute via an open fair and transparent process. 6. Defence Our Party recognises that the British State and Monarchy are violent institutions and their various agencies will seek to undermine the establishment of Peoples Power in any territory over which it claims sovereignty. Therefore our Party encourages and will empower members to defend themselves and the communities in which we live from any abuses of power by agents of the crown. We aim to create units of volunteers who will act to protect and defend our members and our communities from any threat that may be directed at us by the British State. Mark Anthony France PEOPLES DEMOCRACY - peace, justice, respect
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:33:50 +0000

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