The human body is a community of approximately 50 trillion - TopicsExpress


The human body is a community of approximately 50 trillion cells. Everything the body does, the cell does as well. Cells have respiratory and expiratory systems, they feed, feel, think, and communicate with other cells. Trillion of cells make up a single organism called the human body and billion of human bodies help make up the organism we call Earth. The earth has more similarities with the human anatomy than you may think. Earth has its own electromagnetic generation just like the human body. Research has found that a direct current of electricity flows through perineural cells found around every nerve on the body These pathways are called energy meridians and have been used in the practice of acupuncture for at least 2000 years.Dating even farther back is the notion of Dragon Paths or Ley Lines in which many megalithic structures and stone monuments were erected marking the energy meridians of the Earth. These energy meridians are generated by the resonant frequencies of the Earth called the Schumann Waves. Each planetary body has its own resonant frequencies and is determined by the circumference and diameteras well as the speed of orbit and rotation.The Earths resonant frequency starts at 7.83 Hz and ends with the 7th harmonica at 43.2 Hz correlating with the 7 chakras
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 12:43:19 +0000

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