The human mind fails to recognise and understand the ever changing - TopicsExpress


The human mind fails to recognise and understand the ever changing nature of this universe and specially when this change is not according to the plans that the human mind had been making all along. We only welcome change when it is for the better and when it is comfortable, we all celebrate a childs birth, we celebrate a childs growing up to be a young strapping lad but no one celebrates the same young strapping lads aging into a frail, old man. It is same with all situations, we either seek status-quo or permanence in our riches, status and relationships and only welcome the changes which are to our liking. We may like it or not but this is not how the wheel of time moves and most of the times the changes in our lives are not comfortable, they are not according to our plan. At such times we start behaving like a small toddler and start blaming the creator for not having fulfilled our plans and dreams, we fail to recognise that there is a divine plan according to which this universe functions and this divine plan may not be to our liking because we do not either comprehend or rather we do not have the ability to comprehend this plan. At such times we start to shirk our responsibilities and we go into action mode, we try to avoid Karma but we do not realise that the karma never stops, we may pretend to stop but the wheel of time keeps moving. We try to be like a doe which shuts its eyes on seeing a tiger hoping that since she cannot see the tiger, the tiger might not also be able to see her, the tiger sees it clearly and pounces on her for his dinner. So we can pretend to be the doe but the wheel of time will keep on moving and nothing will stop. Now is there anything permanent in this universe?Even a smooth flowing river which naturally ends in the sea, carries debris. Pieces of wood get washed into its moving waters. There they meet and flow together. There comes a time when they split and go their way to pair with another piece of wood. Some may get washed to the banks not finding further journey. The river on the other hand, flows eternally. It will ultimately find its way to a bigger river. If it is hindered, a pond forms only to overflow and finally end in the sea. One can also see this in real life. It is like a train journey where each one of us is a passenger. We meet new passengers who are erstwhile companions, only to depart at their stations. Some depart early and some follow to the end. Or we may get off first for the other to find another companion. Speaking of life as a train journey, sometimes we end up carrying other people’s baggage also. That is karma phala! In life we are children, then have our own children, spouse or friends. They too leave at some point and our reliance on them is maaya. Sometimes we grieve when someone leaves us. Grief is maha-maaya. The most certain thing in life is the uncertainty surrounding it. Each moment is a transitory change. Change is the law of life, so nothing is really permanent. What then can be permanent in this ever changing universe? Mahabartha 12.174.15 states that people meet and depart in this world as two pieces of wood, flowing down the river, come together and then separate from each other. The word Aatma means spirit, soul, consciousness, Brahman, Self, the source of life and the cosmic power behind the body-mind complex. Aatma cannot be perceived by our physical senses, because Aatma is beyond the domain of the senses. The senses were designed only to comprehend physical objects. The wise who knows that the body is mortal and Aatma is immortal has nothing to moan about: KathoUpanishad 2.22. So if we are looking for anything permanent in this universe then that is within us, the Aatma within us is permanent and it is permanent because this Aatma, this soul is what will keep on changing various bodies and may acquire various shapes and forms before it merges into the creator upon Moksha. This Aatma, this soul is self, it is the manifestation of the Brahman, the creator within all of us. Let us therefore try to seek whatever we wish within our ownselves, the best temple, mosque, church is not a building built with mortar and bricks, the best temple lies within us, in our own souls where the Brahman resides. May we all be able to seek this Brahman within ourselves. Aham Brahmasmi :-) अच्छेयोsयमदाह्योsयमक्लेद्योsशोष्य एव च नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोsयं सनातनः accheyoyamadahyo yamkledyososya eva ca nityah sarvagatah sthanuracaloyam sanatanah This self cannot be cut, nor burnt, nor moistened, nor dried up. It is eternal, all pervading, stable, immovable and ancient........:-) Om Prem Shaanti :-)
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 05:20:29 +0000

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