The hunt would happen no matter how much she fought against them. - TopicsExpress


The hunt would happen no matter how much she fought against them. Her father’s ranch in Illinois was large enough that no one around would hear the howl or screams that happen during the hunt. Tonight Nix would try again to get through to her father to see her point of view. He hadn’t run down her mother to claim her. No one wanted to go against her father to have the reward of the Alpha’s daughter. Nix wasn’t that lucky it would seem. The pack had at least six men that happen to be Alpha enough to take her down, but not enough to take on her father. Nix took a deep breath before she entered her father’s office. The carpet ended at the door, her shoes squeaked when she moved across the wood floor. “Nix you really should be getting your rest for the hunt.” Why did he want her to go through such a horrible tradition? Nix put all the steel she could in her back when she spoke. “I won’t go through with this hunt,” she felt a slight quiver in her words. It wouldn’t work she already knew she had failed yet again. This man wouldn’t take a woman’s word over tradition even if that tradition might kill Nix. Women didn’t have a place in the pack; they were brood mares to the men a way to further their lines. “You will do as I tell you to do. Don’t think you are big enough to take me on.” When her father stood up she looked him in the eyes. Lower status shifters didn’t look alphas in the eyes; it was a sign of disrespect to their Alpha. Nix had to do something to get him to understand that she wouldn’t go through with this? Her mother had told her over and over to leave it alone. That her father knew what he was talking about. Easy for her to say when she didn’t have to go through being attacked by more than one man. “I won’t do it!” Nix put all her strength into the words but they still had a slight waver. She didn’t back down when he came at her. The hand on her throat was nothing new these last few weeks. She had been beaten like bread dough. Some nights she had to shift to heal faster. The smack came a moment later; making her lip split open. Nix didn’t waver however; her father expected her to give in. No tears appeared on her face this time, shock ran through her being. Nix was over the beatings and the way her father thought he could tell her how to live. When she didn’t start to cry or fight he took a step away from her. “You are tougher than I believed; you have grown into an Alpha in your own right.” It was a shock to hear him say those words, but it was nice as well. Nix took a step away from him to look out at the night. The large pane windows that looked out over the back yard always let the moon light in. Being an alpha helped her to shift faster and into more animals. Most of the pack took on the husky for the form of choose. It was the alpha’s call on which animal they shifted into. Most packs allowed for more than one, but not Russell. “You can beat me as much as you want. I won’t go into the hunt. You will lose me as a daughter first.” Nix spun around leaving him to think over what she had said. The truth was she expected him to come after her. Nix sighed when she entered her bedroom. The cream carpet had spots of blood all over it now. Her father had followed her a week ago and beat her almost to death. Most of the photos had survived his rampage. The night stand had been ruined along with her camera. The one item she has treasured above everything else. He had told her that he would order her another but it wouldn’t happen now. queloquepasa/m/store/view/Twisted-Game
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 00:50:30 +0000

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