The idea of a Golden Age of Mankind is here. The idea was stated - TopicsExpress


The idea of a Golden Age of Mankind is here. The idea was stated in the times of Greece and today the insane totalitarian and tyrannical governments in Washington, The City of London, Berlin and Moscow are preparing to fight the idea, the idea that Every man may have a voice and may express his opinion in his government and the actions of his culture. Men are entitled to that voice. Excerpt from the taped lecture A POSTULATE OUT OF A GOLDEN AGE A lecture given on 6 December 1956 Only in the field of – well I hate to say religion – in the field of philosophy has a prophesy of the future (laying down a postulate as to what the future would be like) ever been vaguely successful. And in this field we find the society going forward and not particularly disintegrating because of. And we find that from the field of philosophy we have achieved what future the culture does have. Its an interesting thing to look back and isolate the source, usually, of any given era or period or political entity. We look back into Greece and we can actually spot the exact people and the exact statements which became Greece. We look at such chaps as Pericles. Pericles was just a politician, but we know him best because in his age Greek freedom and Greek art came toward the ultimate, and actually were never as good afterwards and had never been as good before. But this chap had some interesting ideas, and he was not totally and only a politician. As a matter of fact, its rather interesting to look over his record and discover he was a rather bad politician. So we must say he was a better prophet for his own culture than he was a politician for himself. But he was a pretty good prophet. And he postulated the future, not only of Athens, but for other Greek states, for the Roman Republic (getting pretty wide), for France, for England and for the United States of America. Because he laid down a singular principle, and that principle was that the citizen should know more about government and should participate in it to the fullest extent. And this, carried forward – as he carried it forward in his own government – became the Age of Pericles. There was no higher level of Greek culture than this one age. Everyone may participate. Every mans voice should be heard. And this was a wonderful thing, and so far as I know, had not been said before politically. And so we have one man giving forth a postulate, since he just didnt say this should be, he said this will be. And he bent his own political efforts in the direction of making this come about. And even though he himself was not a successful politician, he put his postulate on the next 2300 years. He put his postulate on the world we live in much more solidly than another chap who used to give lectures by the Sea of Galilee. Thats for sure. Because the great nations of the world which have since arisen, have arisen, actually, because they wished to emulate and follow in the path of free Greece. The scholars of 150 years ago in this country were known as scholars simply because they knew about the Age of Pericles. If a man knew enough about that period he was learned, he was educated. If he could speak Greek as well, well, on a Sunday you might be able to touch him on the sleeve if you were lucky. The learned men of the society studied these things. The Founding Fathers of the United States were themselves very educated along this line and practically no other. George Washingtons aides were the glibbest chaps you ever saw in your life on the subject of what Greek general had done what, when. But they couldnt for the life of them have told you anything at all about what some American frontiersman had done fifty or a hundred years earlier. They were not educated in that. They were only educated in the classic tradition. This very word classic tradition at one time meant only the Age of Pericles. Classic. What made it classic? Just that one thing: And the culture itself should contribute to them the availability of information so that they can know what the culture consists of. In other words, it was the duty of the culture to educate men into the existence of the culture. It was the duty of the individual, knowing these things, to contribute his own knowledge and his contribution to his own culture. This was something new, and man had never learned this... had this before the Age of Pericles. Therefore, the great nations of earth since, which have sought to rise under the mantle of tyrants, have perished. They are dead. There isnt one alive today anywhere within the sphere of learning which we know as classical Greek history. matrixfiles/Scientology%20Materials/index.php?dir=Tapes%20in%20order/5610c18%20Organization%20Series/DOC/&sort=date&order=asc
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:54:35 +0000

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