The illegal alien amnesty supporters are setting the political - TopicsExpress


The illegal alien amnesty supporters are setting the political stage for a Christmas miracle effort to pass their nation destroying bill in the final 12 work days of Congress. You can visit our homepage or click on the blue links in this email to see that illegal aliens have launched a hunger strike on the National Mall while illegal alien amnesty point man Congressman Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) is now calling for Congress to stay in Washington for Thanksgiving and Christmas to deliver the amnesty! But now you have the amnesty Kryptonite that can blow this whole plan apart! As approval ratings for both Obama and Congress hit new lows, new polls have emerged that will put the fear of the publics wrath into Congress if and only if enough of you respond to our call to take action! We have the new polls, the new message that will work, and the right targets for you to hit! ALIPACs collection of polls and surveys at... ALIPACs collection of polls, surveys, information, facts, and statistics about illegal immigration Sample Message (Deliver to your own member of Congress then all 24 GOP targets on our list): Im calling to make sure Representative _____ is aware that a new Pew Research poll shows that 60% of Americans reject the immigration reform amnesty that you are trying to help Obama pass, and that only 32% support what you are doing. Furthermore, a new NBC poll shows that 38% of your swing voters strongly oppose your immigration reform amnesty solution while only 12% strongly support it! Stop trying to serve the special interests and stand with the majority of American voters who want you to oppose Obamas immigration reform amnesty. You should be working on addressing Obamas many misdeeds and abuses of power instead of working to help deliver amnesty for illegal aliens to him! Deliver your own distinctive and personalized version of this message to your own member of Congress by phone, and then send in a written version to reinforce by web form, fax, or letter. (This is the technique ALIPAC has used for maximum impact many times in the past) Then contact as many of these targets as possible... ALIPACs list of GOP traitors working with Obama behind the scenes on amnesty Traitor list with contact info and proof of amnesty stance You have the information, the right message, and the right targets to put illegal alien amnesty supporters on the run, now please get on the phones with us to make that happen! Please report any questions, suggestions, feedback from the offices you call, or other information at this activism tracking link... Amnesty Kryptonite in your hands: Apply to these Targets If you have the time, also please check out and share ALIPAC fighting on your behalf against the big banks pushing amnesty in the Los Angeles Times at this link... Lets roll against amnesty in DC hard at this critical time, Americans! William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team AgainstAmnesty PS: You only have 4 days left to get everyone you can to sign our online Petition Against Amnesty before the first hard copies of our petition will be printed and delivered to some members of Congress. Please do all you can to boost our numbers up at AgainstAmnesty
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:00:14 +0000

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