The imperialists and capitalists have managed to dominate the - TopicsExpress


The imperialists and capitalists have managed to dominate the faculty of independence in our people by the source of income. They give them those jobs and make sure that they value it more than anything on earth even more than for their Economic Freedom in their lives. It is not like our people cannot see what should be done but what comes first in their thoughts is what if I lose my job then I’ll lose my house and car then the capitalists and Imperialists agenda would be prevail when those kind of thoughts capture you. Our struggle is beyond material things, it is not about what have gathered so far, the promise land is still ahead where our Moses of this time CIC Julius Sello Malema is leading us to. Malcolm X said if you’re not ready to die for the freedom remove the word Freedom in your vocabulary but i says if your not ready to lose everything you own then go home to sleep as gaining Economic Freedom in your lifetime will not be inevitable. Our struggle wants commissars, Fighters and Commanders who won’t be reduced to their underpaying jobs because if they become one of us they will lose their jobs or every thing will go astray, no we are bigger than that, in the promise land there is better and brighter future that have attained so far. Here I am as part of the wisdom and knowledge seeker’s generation and it is my belief that no job or promotion targeted to reduced me to the faculty of silence will prevail. I will not compromise my independence and integrity because I might lose what I own, if you want to be truth speaker at the current system abandon to be a material Fighter as that’s what is costing our country at the moment. Many cadres within the ruling party have compromise their true cadreship and independence just to protect the president of the country but if we were having comrades who say to a stomach politics, we wont be having Nkandlagate, Guptagate, Marikana Massacre, E-Toll and many more that I can count till I fall asleep. Be ready to go through trials and tribulation just for the sake of our children, they don’t have to go through or reduced to be an ordinary generation because they are not included in the Economy to be the role players. Let us lose everything now but when we arrives in Canaan the land of Promise, after achieving the Nationalization of our Mineral resources and expropriation of Land without compensation we will start afresh to build that was destroyed. Many of my fellow Azanians is not like they don’t know what they have to do but because of that constraint of financial forfeiture if they remain resolute with us they lose heart then start to sound like black-whitish. Economic Freedom in our lifetime is long overdue and with our Moses of this era CIC Julius Sello Malema I am confident and rest assured of the victory. Fighters, we are not going to look back like Ado, Lot’s wife in the bible who became a pillar of salt after she looked back at Sodom.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:00:24 +0000

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