The impermanencia of life is a fact inevitable. However, although - TopicsExpress


The impermanencia of life is a fact inevitable. However, although theoretically know that every moment of life can be the final analysis, it is very difficult to actually live and act, in a practical level, based on that belief. The majority of us, we tend to think that there will always be a new opportunity to meet and talk with our friends or relatives, so I do not care if a few things left unsaid. But every time I encounter with someone, I try to broaden this out with that person everything possible, because it can be our last meeting. Never leave room for the repentance, with the aim of focus all of my being in each moment. Buddhism identifies the pain of leaving our loved ones as one of our troubles inevitable of life. Without doubt, it is true that we cannot avoid experience the sorrow of the division in this life. The Buddha shakyamuni, who lived in India, more than 2.000 years ago, he lost his mother when she was only a week for life. To grow up, he always wondered: Why is my mother died? Where did he go? Where can I go to meet her? What is this thing of death that stole my mother? What is life, after all? . Your pain for the loss of her mother became a powerful force motor which enabled him to have a profound compassion for each other and seek the truth of life. One day she met a woman whose son was dead ; she vagaba around in a desconsolado aturdimiento with the little body tight against yours. Please, give me a little bit of Medicine in order to save my baby , Begged shakyamuni, with eyes enrojecidos by tears. He knew that I could not do anything for the child, but somehow I wanted to cheer her up. He said he was going to ask for some seeds of amapola so that he could make medicine, but that just accept the seeds of amapola of families who have never had met the duel. The woman came running to the city and asked for in all the homes. But even though many were seeds of amapola, there was not a single house in which I never would have been a death. The mother distressed she gradually came to realize that every family lived with the sadness of the loss of their loved ones, hiding in silence somewhere in his heart. Through this experience realized that I was not alone in his feelings of grief. Probably should not have words that can heal the heart of a mother, who has lost his son. Someone truly wise, the encounter with a woman whose son is dead, just cannot sit beside her, and stay there without saying a word. Even if there is NO EXCHANGE of words, you will feel the echoes warm concern in the depths of the life of that person. At the point of view, a Buddhist, the ties that bind to the people are not just a matter of this life. And is due to those who have died somehow, living inside of us: Our happiness is, of course, it is shared with those who have passed away. Therefore, the most important for those who are still alive is to live with hope and endeavour to be happy. To be happy ourselves, we can send wave invisible happiness to those who have passed away. But if we overcome by the sadness, and the deceased also feel this pain, because we are always together, inseparablemente. When I met a Sonia Gandhi, widow of the Prime Minister Indian rakhiv Gandhi, not long after the tragic death of her husband, I told her: the lives of those who have suffered the greatest tragedy, resplandecen with the greatest brilliance. Please, it becomes your destiny is in a source of GREAT value. If you are sad, her husband was afligirá with you. And if you put up with a smile, your husband will also be happy . A person who is facing a major tragedy, of course is going to be a loss as to what to do with your life. I believe that one has to decide if you want to keep your spirit and keep on living with all your strength, o si leave it to break the disappointment. There are many examples of people who have lost their mother or his father a early age AND who have achieved great things. My friend Oswald Mbuyiseni mtshali, a famous poet African once told me that the first poem I wrote it was to his mother. I said, the death of my mother was a great shock to me, so big that almost could not be to get over it. I took a long time, get over it. But with the time I realized something: anyone who is the strength that I had was something that my mother had given me, something that she had left. The words of my mom were alive in me ; my mom lived inside of me. When I realized that spontaneously brotó a poem for my mother, what depths of my heart . Through the struggle to overcome the pain and sorrow that accompany the death of us do more aware of the dignity of the life and we can get to share the suffering of others as their own. The library of Harvard University was donada by a woman who lost her son in the tragic wreck of The Titanic in 1912., and his son, Harry Elkins Widener, who died at the age of twenty - seven years, it was a graduate of Harvard that had a passion for reading and he had accumulated a lot of books. In fact, he had just finished a trip to buy Books in London, when we boarded the Titanic beside her mother and his father. Harry it was a son affectionate with his mother, a young brave and heroic. Seeing his mother a except in the boat LIFEBUOY, he stayed with her father in the sinking ship. The collection of more than three thousand valuable books that have already had accumulated remained in the hands of Harvard University, but there was no place to get them. This led to his mother to donate huge amounts of money so that we could build a library. Born of this tragedy, it was a gift invaluable for PLENTY of students. Those who can overcome the pain and keep on living with strength and courage they deserve respect. I admire so much to those who can overcome their suffering personal and leave a legacy of Valor for future generations.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 15:39:38 +0000

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