The incident of December the 15, 2013 which took place in South - TopicsExpress


The incident of December the 15, 2013 which took place in South Sudan was egregious and pointless. But, unfortunately, the event was aggravated by high illiteracy and poverty which is a phenomenon shared across many African countries. One may ask what about tribal hatred?; off course yes but, without these two factors, things might have taken different path altogether in South Sudan on that fateful day. Firstly,Look at it this way, due to tremendous poverty in the country, few disgruntled individual who cares nothing more than their stomachs, approached the president in his secret place just to tunnels oil money into their greedy, fat wallets. The poor president might have been advice on how to eliminates it opponents to secure him another thirty more years of reign (by the way, being friend to the president was a good gambit). This was evident by the calculative recruitment of the presidential guards from presidents home town without the knowledge of the army general of the South Sudan. The intimidation of citizenry, the death of political activists, and the Juba genocide were few jobs description of this illegal soldiers in the country. On the other hand, the distortion of the country was thou a dividend of endless access to corrupts money; and why ? The recruitment of the poor citizens was also achieved base on poverty line. The win for each side guaranteed or gives them false hope to money, though this is not always the case. Picture it, imagine there was a stability in the country in term of food and other basic needs, many of the now killed or wounded soldiers would have not joined up, I bet. the message was simple, join and hand yourself a hard current. This apply to both sides; the white army, the presidential guards, and the citizen who join the army during December to early days of 2014. Secondly, the rampage illiteracy in the country is another factor that help orchestrated what the crooks were cooking. Education bring about changes on how people think and plan ahead (trust me, education I meant here, mean the change in behavior and how you view the world around you but not necessarily going in and obtaining of degree/papers). In one ways or another, the view of the country populace would have been different. The two politicians should have easily been force to resolved their differences through close doors, hence avoiding the unnecessary lost of lives. The recent signed peace is nothing but a false curtain. I am afraid, this step will not prevent the country from going back to the dark days of 2013/2014. The only way to prevent it is only if changes were to be made in provision of basic needs, diversifying of the countrys economic and eradication of the illiteracy. South Sudan is rich in term or wealth/resources, people, culture but unless changes are made in education and delivery of services, civil war is inevitable in the country. Open to criticism; Tell me what your thought are.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 12:43:38 +0000

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