The incidents of yesterday between the police and MSD party youth - TopicsExpress


The incidents of yesterday between the police and MSD party youth shows how fragile the sociopolitical context of Burundi is. Just some trigger events are enough to lead the country to the chaos and reduce human lives into ashes... My advices are addessed to all parties in those incidents. - The Government might now allow political freedom and given equal rights to political parties to avoid frustration among opposition parties members. It has seen that Burundians can stand up and claim their political rights in one way or another. - Opposition parties might avoid manipulating the youth and send them to violent confrotation with the police. The police of Burundi may be professional to a certain extent. Some are uneducated, others may feel their role no 1 is to defend the interest of the police chiefs or the ruling party. So some human and material damages may happen and be unrepairable. - Police should not accept to be used as the instrument against the population it is asked to protect. They know rules that guide their work. They have to remember that their role no 1 is to protect and not to use violence. Their neutrality in doing their job can save the Nation. At the end of this message, I wanted to denounce the shameful behavior shown by the police towards UFB women. Instead of using tear gaz to disperse those women on the International Womens day, they would have accompanied them peacefully till where they wanted them to go. I am still conviced that those women were not so brutal till they went beyond police control. My prayer is that Burundi can no more shed blood of its sons and daughters!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 21:01:02 +0000

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