The income tax is not a Constitutional issue. It is not an issue - TopicsExpress


The income tax is not a Constitutional issue. It is not an issue of law or the tax code. The income tax is a system of deception, fraud and entrapment that is outside the law and the Constitution. It is indeed above the law. This is the reason that it goes on and on. No one has effectively gotten at the income tax because it is not a legal or Constitutional issue. Remember one thing: For the deception to go on and on, the people must be made to believe that income taxes provide income to the government. In so believing this, the herd believes in the myth that they should “pay their fair share.” That “fair share” syndrome is one of the most powerful supports of and for the deception. It is altruistic nonsense that destroys reason and logical thought. Where then does the government get its income to “pay” its expenses? We have already answered this by saying that all “money” (credit) that the government gets is created by the central bank. In its broadest definition, “money” (credit) is created by the Federal Reserve and all the commercial banks in the United States. Since it is created, there is no need for an income tax to produce income. Thomas Jefferson warned that, “The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” Note from the Editor: As a reader you deserve to know the truth behind the economic disaster America faces. I’ve arranged for readers to get free copies of two books that reveal the sinister plot by the US Government to steal our wealth—a plot Merrill Jenkins, Sr. (the Original Monetary Realist) tried to expose at great risk. His books are hard to find, but these books include rare transcripts from his lectures. Click here for your free copies. The broad purpose of the income tax is to regulate credit and consumption and create an informational dossier on all citizens. Yes, when you “pay” income taxes, you are involved in the system of regulating your credit and your consumption. The foundation of a fiat credit monetary system is regulation. Otherwise, it will not work. So when there is a credit monetary system, there has to be a system of regulation. This regulation system is called the Internal Revenue Service. John Maynard Keynes, the darling of modern economic theory in the United States, made a very revealing statement in his 1919 book, Economic Consequences of the Peace. He wrote: If government should refrain from regulation (taxation), the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the people can be concealed no longer. Keynes was simply saying that the people must be made to believe that the “income tax” system produces income rather than what it is — namely, a system of regulation. So when you write a check to the IRS, you are certainly involved in regulating (reducing) your consumption. So the term “income tax” is totally misleading. The words do not refer to a tax or income but a system of regulation. No matter what our thoughts are on human liberty, our lives are controlled by this rot of deception. What are other purposes of the “income tax”? The income tax deception is compounded by the ideas of “Federal budgets” and “Federal debt.” There is no Federal debt. The term “Federal debt” implies that we owe the amount stolen from us. An entity that creates credit out of nothing and “pays” it for real assets and production is not assuming a debt by any definition. It is stealing and calling the theft debt. The creation and control of all credit in the hands of a central bank (government) is the fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto. Look honestly at the American monetary system and you are looking tyranny and slavery in the face. The “income tax” is used to redistribute wealth from the producers to non-producers, i.e., “income taxes” and estate taxes. The “income tax” is used to express and enforce public policy. It is the foundation of socialism. personalliberty/2014/03/10/income-tax-101-do-you-know-what-it-really-is/
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:17:53 +0000

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