The infamous Salvador Dali is known as a nonconformist artist with - TopicsExpress


The infamous Salvador Dali is known as a nonconformist artist with an especially eccentric personality. He had a wild fashion sense that included his illustrious mustache that was its very own work of art at times! Some of my best-loved Dali moments are hardly forgettable. My art professor told me that Dali once gave a speech wearing a full deep sea diving suit. He refused to take it off during the speech and almost suffocated because of it! There is no doubt that Dali was as much of a showman as he was an artist. He once arrived to a speech in a ROLLS-ROYCE slammed full of Cauliflower... simply because he liked the way the cauliflower was shaped! Then at one point he filled a limo with them and drove around Paris handing them out to bewildered pedestrians! My absolute favorite Dali moment was when Dali found out that Alice Coopers stage show was heavily influenced by Dalis work. Dali asked for a meeting with Cooper and naturally he was invited to meet the Rock Idol. Cooper has said that Dali showed up wearing a giraffe skin coat and sparkly socks that were a gift from Elvis. Dali gave Cooper a plaster sculpture of his brain, crowned by a chocolate eclair with real ants running down the middle... What a way to say Hello! Dali asked Cooper to model for him and the offer was immediately accepted. Cooper ended up modeling (surrounded by heavy guard) a $2 million dollar tiara while Dali made a hologram of him covered in diamonds - and biting the head off of a Venus De Milo statuette. Hmm... Interesting to say the least!! I will also post the video of the Hologram Dali made of Cooper later tonight! Keep watching! ~Do we have any Salvador Dali fans here? If you are... post your favorite piece of artwork by him or picture of him!~ - Anna
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 04:07:15 +0000

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