The information below has come from Rosemary Clegg : James Yates - TopicsExpress


The information below has come from Rosemary Clegg : James Yates commemorated on Coalbrookdale High School memorial Wellington Journal August 1918 Much Wenlock Naval-man’s Death Much sympathy has been expressed to Mr and Mrs F.W.Yates on the death of their second son signalman James H. Yates (RNVR H.M.S.Manly) on Saturday at The Lady Forester Hospital after four months illness, at the age of 21. Deceased joined the R.N.V.R in May 1916, and after completing his training went to South America on H.M.S. Macedonia. He afterwards served in the Dover Patrol Squadron, where he contracted the illness which has proved fatal. He was much loved by everyone who knew him. He had been a member of the church choir and also a bell ringer. Prior to the internment in the cemetery on Tuesday, service was held in the Parish Church. The coffin was covered with the “Union Jack” and choice flowers. The farm workmen acted as bearers from the deceased’s home to the church. Among those who attended were the deceased parents Mr. And Mrs. F.W.Yates. Mrs Moore and Miss Yates sisters, Gunner Donald Yates and Mr. E Yates (brothers), Mr H Yates and Mr E Smith (uncles) Mrs. E Smith (aunt) soldiers on leave and a contingent of wounded soldiers from the lady Forester Hospital, the bell ringers a large number of friends and sympathisers were also present, including over fifty members of ?? “Albert” A.O.F. The service was Choral and was taken by the Rev. T Monks, Mr. F J Danks reading the lesson. The Hymns were “Rock of ages” and The Supreme sacrifice” and at the conclusion the “Dead March” was played, the organist Mr. F J Danks. The cortege headed by the surplice choir proceeded to the cemetery amid every token of respect. The committal was read by the Rev A Monks. At the conclusion the hymn “just as I am” was impressively sung by the choir. There were over 40 beautiful floral tributes sent by residents and friends, including those sent from “father and mother” “brothers and sisters, grandmother, uncles and aunts, nephew Freddie and cousins”. Nursing staff from Lady Foresters Hospital, Chums on active service, workmen on the farm, Ten chums, The bell ringers, his schoolmaster, his Sunday school teacher. A muffled peal was rung on the bells in the evening by his fellow bell-ringers as a token of respect. James was killed on the 10th August 1918, age 21 and is buried in Much Wenlock cemetery (not Church yard)In front of the chapel on the left of the path.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 16:42:09 +0000

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