The inner workings of the Psyche are an amazing puzzle. Most of - TopicsExpress


The inner workings of the Psyche are an amazing puzzle. Most of us are so powerfully defended that we can never get a glimpse of how we really think and feel. The truth lies beneath the dreams, slips, desires we punish, and longings too deep and vulnerable to admit. If you ever get a chance to find an Artisan psychoanalyst, Therapist, Psychologist...hold on to them, and let the journey begin. Please do not mistake the simplistic -tell you what to do- Dr Phil types for the true work of inner Analysis. they can be helpful...but not the real deal. A true Psychotherapist will never tell you...they will guide you to birth the answer your self, they will use the relationship between you IN THE examine what has happened to all gets reenacted if you pay attention. Beware of the ones that cannot tolerate SILENCE...and the ones who never interpret it. Stay away from the ones that blame you when you confront them. You want your Therapist to have confronted their own demons enough, yet processed them courageously...not one who vicariously treats themselves through you. A Psychotherapist should be someone who lives up to your respect, and testing of boundaries, and assaults of anger, yet strong enough, and still open and affected enough to feel you! It has to be someone you can push against and not fall. Yet human, fallible, and real enough to admit mistakes and to redirect without loosing face. If they care more about looking the role, than being it...move away. But make sure to stick to the process once you find will involve courage, and commitment, and facing your own fears and fantasies too. Yes, it is a two way street, an unforgettable dance of authenticity. perhaps the most intimate act existing. Not for the faint at heart. Not for Managed Care EAPs and Mc Therapists, not for the pseudo Analyst in Armani suit, and dead dry voice, who attempts to interpret your drives, and passions, when all they have ever been close to is a book and psycho bubble. You might say...i am being tough. But I am not. One day, i dream of a class that truly guides future Psychologists, Therapists, to this the way it was intended to be, The sacred Art of knowing the heart and mind of another human being, and witnessing what they have experienced. Their life story.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:50:36 +0000

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