The instant of dismissal we would mob the door of Barracks 8, - TopicsExpress


The instant of dismissal we would mob the door of Barracks 8, stepping on each others heels in our eagerness to get inside, to shrink the world back to understandable proportions. It grew harder and harder. Even within these four walls there was TOO MUCH MISERY, seemingly POINTLESS SUFFERING. Every day SOMETHING ELSE FAILED TO MAKE SENSE, SOMETHING ELSE GREW TOO HEAVY. Will You carry this too, Lord Jesus? But as the rest of the world grew stranger, one thing became INCREASINGLY CLEAR. And that was THE REASON THE TWO OF US WERE HERE. Why others should suffer we were not shown. As for us, from morning until lights-out, whenever we were not in ranks for roll call, our BIBLE WAS THE CENTER of an EVER-WIDENING CIRCLE OF HELP AND HOPE. Like waifs clustered around a BLAZING FIRE, we gathered about it, HOLDING OUT OUR HEARTS TO ITS WARMTH AND LIGHT. The blacker the night around us grew, THE BRIGHTER AND TRUER AND MORE BEAUTIFUL BURNED THE WORD OF GOD. WHO SHALL SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF CHRIST? SHALL TRIBULATION, OR DISTRESS, OR PERSECUTION,OR FAMINE OR NAKEDNESS, OR PERIL OR SWORD?....NAY, IN ALL THESE THINGS WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM THAT LOVED US. I would look about us as Betsie (Corries sister) read, watching the light leap from face to face. MORE THAN CONQUERORS. ...It was not a WISH. IT WAS A FACT. We KNEW it. We EXPERIENCED it, MINUTE by MINUTE - poor, hated, hungry. We are more than conquerors. Not we shall be. We ARE!! Life in Ravensbruck (concentration camp) took place on two separate levels, mutually impossible. One, the THE OBSERVABLE, EXTERNAL LIFE, GREW EVERY DAY MORE HORRIBLE. The other, THE LIFE WE LIVED WITH GOD, GREW DAILY BETTER, TRUTH UPON TRUTH, GLORY UPON GLORY! The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom. THIS is OUR GOD! THIS is HIS AMAZING GRACE! With Jesus as Lord of our lives, He protects us. He is truly our SHEPHERD. When we are WALKING through the darkest hours of our lives, just as sheep who are facing the wolves, He is the shepherd Who is protecting us; CARRYING us through! Even though the sheep can SEE the enemy, the wolf, and is aware of the danger surrounding it, the sheep KNOWS the PEACE and LOVE of the SHEPHERD, for the SHEPHERD SAVES the sheep.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:28:28 +0000

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