The intention of this post is to help others see how expensive - TopicsExpress


The intention of this post is to help others see how expensive being broke is, and how its costing them more money, knowledge, and growth if they dont DECIDE to change their financial thermometer in their lives NOW. I was just inspired from a post of my buddy Kevin Sousa. He spoke about how people use being broke as an excuse to not having success or as a reason not to move forward with their goals/dreams. He gave kudos to those that dont stoop to this level although it also reminded me of when I was broke. Its absolutely not cool, not healthy, and extremely expensive to be broke. Now some of you may be saying...extremely expensive to be broke? HUH!?!? :) If youve been broke before, and did whatever it took NOT to be broke anymore...please share one way of how being broke can get extremely expensive, Ill start with one (and trust me there are plenty).... - If you dont have enough funds in your bank account and something you need to pay gets debited, guess what you get hit with for being BROKE? Yup, a fee! I used to get upset at these fees, I mean who wouldnt? although now I realize those were small debits showing me how expensive being broke I decided to change that. Okay, before I go on a rant here with so many other reasons, name one reason why being broke is expensive...GO! Hint: Money is probably the smallest ways that being broke is costing you so much ;)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 01:18:27 +0000

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