The internet has opened up a whole wide world. Very true. - TopicsExpress


The internet has opened up a whole wide world. Very true. Especially for the gearmakers. Its been a real blessing and curse. Especially for those who never knew our world or even makers existed. For majority of people 5 to 10 years ago buying anything custom was out of the question or out of a catalog or Ebay. Custom anything personalized the individual its made for just like a car, tattoo, motorcycle, clothing, jewelry, etc etc... In the niche market I am in has the opportunity to not be as niche as a person would think. Handmade gear has been made and collected for years. Its as old as the cowboy himself. Most cowboys throughout have understood nothing handmade is gonna get done over night. Waiting is the norm for a cowboy in just about everything he does and time, well he usually has a lot of that. So worrying about something he ordered usually slipped his mind because he has learned he didnt have time to worry about things he has NO control over. The get it now attitude or mindset has been trained over the years by spoiling people into purchase satisfaction at the swipe of a credit card. Evolution of this is evident in everything we do and lost the meaning of patience is a virtue. I learn this daily while building. Rush just doesnt work well in the shop. Where am I going with this? Not to talk down on anybody or directly at anyone. Just an in general observation. Possibly a warning. I never have problems with cowboys on orders. Like NEVER. Most of my clients are cowboys and have ordered enough gear from everybody that they know the routine. I have been in the same shoes. I do not build, ship or finish anything until Im paid in full. I have lost a few times doing this. That wont happen to me again. Im not to blame for this stance. You can blame the persons who didnt follow through and taught me the lessons. Its just business now. Next: I appreciate the flattery when putting in an order. But it literally goes in one ear and out the other with me. I know where my flaws and weaknesses are. No one can tell, convince Im the best when I know guys who are far better than I. I would be an arrogant pompous ass to believe it. Not only that Id be lieing to myself. It will not get anything extra from me. Ive learned that lesson as well. I do not need anyone to help me get my name out there if I cut you a deal. I appreciate the concern... but thats my job. Not anyone elses. But It will not get you a deal. If anything it does to me is it Offends the hell out of me, I will raise the price because i dont need a salesman. I gave those wholesale deals to gear traders who bought regularly and anything I had with little discretion. I paid my dues. Last time I checked Im doing alright on getting my name out there. Im a full time gearmaker. Seven days a week 14 to 16 hours a day in this shop. Its more of a home than where I lay my head and they are connected. Been building for nine years... Id say Im in it for the long haul. Im not a hobbyist, weekender, tinkering in this craft and trade. I will build until I die. I made that decision when I made and sold my first bit with the goal that the man who bought that bit for 100.00 would be worth 1000.00 or more someday. Collector market? Used to be huge. Dwindled some but I see a younger crowd collect nowadays and that is good. I will tell you a little secret to the consumer. Every maker gets to a point where they dont want to take orders anymore. They build what they want and it gets fought over. Every maker I know feels the same way. Even me. However. . I get a big thrill out of a big smile and seeing a glow of happiness in a customer when I hand them their custom gear that I made for them. Makes any trouble I had at all while building it way worth it to me. I forget about my troubles in their item because for an instant I played a part in bringing joy to someone else through a long process and lots of time. Money cant buy that feeling. I get paid to hold a spot and I explain this daily to folks that dont understand and about the wait time. For me like cowboying was, its not just a job its an adventure. A lot of routine but different views or items keeps boredom at bay. New ideas challenges at every turn and overcoming them. Getting the job done. Learning new engraving and advancing. Raising the bar and setting new bars to outdo the last item. My normal is not a normal of average people 8 to 5. I go until Im done or tired. Been that way all my life. Punching a time clock was never for me. I broke that mold 18 years ago in myself. When we baled hay or worked cows you stayed until your done or tired for the day. I starved dayworking for soo long Im used to doing without and pinching by and sacrificing. This is like a walk in the park of the same syndrome. I have no hobbies that take my free time. Whats free time? I do cut off every now and then when I get stir crazy of this place. When Im away from here I really enjoy people and visiting or even working an odd job or cows away from shop. Little mini vacations make me want to be back in the shop. Being away anxiety builds knowing what I have to get done and trust me every order is on my mind while Im relaxing or trying to relax at a concert or with my family on a Sat or sunday and enjoy a lil life. Never fails for someone to send me a message checking on an order. That pisses me off. Ruins my off day. Im getting away from that stress for a spell. Dont bring it into my refresh, Ill remember that when I start their project. Ruins the joy of the build and makes it a job and I forget I love what I do. I usually visit or have an idea with every person who orders from me. Getting to know them. Makes the build more personal. Like Im making it for myself and thats how I build everything. I try to connect to be on the communication level so its exactly what they want. I listen and retain everything. Attentive. Therefore makes it custom not just something you can buy right now made by an assembly line slave in china or four or five guys in the US. Whats special about that? Well you can hold it in your hand when you buy it. But thats about it. Nothing special....and.. Thats exactly what you got with those kind of purchases. Waiting is part of this business, if your willing to wait just as in life. Good things come. The appreciation factor is a lot higher as well as the cherishment factor. Learning patience is something this impatient fellow has had to struggle with my entire life. Im still tested daily. Its humbling as well.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:24:11 +0000

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