“The internet is nothing but a cult generator”, Chomsky ego - TopicsExpress


“The internet is nothing but a cult generator”, Chomsky ego cogito ergo sum non est valet...... sed eam est pro Echo et Narcissus, Newton. I did not trust Google this time so can be ran past their translator. (By the way there is no such thing as Global Warming. That is true because there is not one scientific paper written on that topic. Thus it is conspiratorial. Scientist use the better language Anthropological Global warming. Anyone who thinks that there is Anthropological Global warming has never has either spend the whole of their lives living in a forest or in a concrete city. If on the other hand the have been inside a city and vacationed in the forest they know men cause things to heat up.) I do not think it is censorship. We have all watched "911 was an inside job" with Webster Tarpley and some little handsome olive complexed guy at his side for 12 plus years. The problem is no one ever quotes directly from the 911 Report issued by Congress and the Bush Administration. I might posit that there was a conspiratorial relation between Bush and Congress for both racial and cultural reasons. I can asphyxiate myself yelling in the public square that Anglos-Saxons all over the CommonWealth stick together no matter what. Besides the fact that the world must bestride Webster Tarpley and my blue bodies as she runs out the intellectual cell to tell the world that always awaits such news of villainy but I have the problem called Obama. I know he is an apologist for the man and the system! I know that half of him is Irish and the other half Kenyan. No matter I will just make him Anglo and Saxon and say he has all of the secrets of 911 still under lock and key. There are those of us who watched Black Hawk Down along with the rest of you but we were so in on it that we still want US military intervention no matter what. There are those of us who saw helicopters hovering inches above the roof of the US embassy along with the rest of you and still want us military intervention. There are those of us who listen to Douglas Macarthur and are mad as hell that Truman did not let the old soldier who just faded away cross the Yalu. It is safe for you who watch Webster Tarpley and that one engineer from the Intermountain west who says it was all just “an inside job” and the Bilderbergs, Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones Society are really running the whole shooting match to just to give up on us. Some people just cannot figure it all out. Please put my name down with that ignorant group of sheep who are saying baaaaa, baaaaa, baaaaa while their corporate paymasters, represented by all of those elect groups I have listed, are holding the knife to our necks while hiding mounds and mounds of dead sheep. history.army.mil/brochures/kw-chinter/chinter.htm
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 16:26:03 +0000

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