The internet is quite a wonderful place. To ponder on the memories - TopicsExpress


The internet is quite a wonderful place. To ponder on the memories of dial up, aol instant messenger, and the philosophical advancement of social media is a feat in its own. Now in the year 2014, it seems many of my friends and family have embraced social media yet are so put off by it with recent implications of free speech and the balance of personal privacy. It seems to me the human psyche it self is diminishing the phenomenal nature of the man made network powerhouse known as the world wide web. Take a moment to think, would you use facebook, youtube, and instagram without its like feature? To me, it seems the driving function of these sites is to promote the idea of, The more likes I get, the more relevant I am to my peers. I myself am guilty up and down with this. I have made satire of world events, posted selfies, posted pictures of me having fun. My cynicism came from my own habits. should i take a picture of this sunset and show my friends? Ill enjoy it for myself. Take Reddit for example. How is this web site so amazing? Because its human and you arent constantly hindered by what I call local celebrity accepted projection disorder. LCAPD haha Everyone wants some love and sure, a like can boost all sorts of good feel but as the trend fades, your 300 selfies a week begins to look like a narcissism problem. I know you are saying, Who cares? Why do you even care? Well they care and thats my point. They care about identity. But wait guys? I thought the internet was inconceivably huge? Why is it that all i see are cynicism, unchecked judgment, and infinite selfies all day? Well friends, my answer to that would be Years of social disconnecting conditioning and the format of these almost out dated social sites. So the point of all of this isnt to rant, or to look down on anyones opinion on what people do on this website, the point is as a collective we need to understand that the internet is not just a place to look at me! It is a place with an infinite ocean of data. Some in which can help a lot of you. So I myself will strive to only post things that can help my friends and my family cause I love yall and I propose we all try.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:14:49 +0000

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