The internet lit up last night when the news media reported that - TopicsExpress


The internet lit up last night when the news media reported that Houston city attorneys had subpoenoed sermons and sermon notes from five pastors in the city. While I believe in the separation of church and state and believe that we need to be vigilant in preserving that part of our history, I also believe that we live in a society that thrives on drama and fostering adversarial relationships and conspiracy theories. In an effort to understand what was happening, I called the Mayor last night. This is what she said. The five pastors who have brought suit against the city were served with an everything but the kitchen sink subpoena for all communication about the ordinance and/or petitions. Sermons were listed under the theory that if they used their pulpits for political organizing, their sermons are fair game (based on current law). Most of the sermons were broadcast or live streamed and therefore available, so subpoenaing them was not necessary. Not to be misconstrued, the goal is to determine what specific instructions on filling out the petition were given and how the ordinance was characterized, not whether they preached that I am going to hell. I want to urge cautious vigilance. Any violation of the separation of church and state should be guarded against, AND when the church files suit against the state (city), we should expect that the city will defend itself. Clearly the city attorneys made a mistake in asking for sermons and sermon notes, and they should clarify that mistake immediately. Just as clearly, I do not believe the Mayor or the pastors who were subpoenaed are involved in some large conspiracy. Democracy is messy at best and when we are deeply divided over issues, its easy to slip into places that we do not serve anyone well. After talking with the Mayor, my best sense is that the city is not attempting to tell a pastor what he/she can or cant preach, unless in doing so they violate the law. I recognize that sometimes, pastors in good conscious will violate the law because they believe it is unjust. Doing so does not justify demonizing the city or the city attorney or the mayor who are sworn to uphold the law. They are seeking to defend the city against a lawsuit that was brought by these pastors.We all live in this city, and none of us wins if we cant all be treated with dignity, honor and respect - even when - or especially when we strongly disagree.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:19:50 +0000

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