The introduction of professional soldiers and a standing army is - TopicsExpress


The introduction of professional soldiers and a standing army is widely believed to be one of the major contributing factors of the decline of the Roman republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Historically standing armies were used as occupying forces in empires. It is interesting that all modern geopolitical states (countries) all maintain some form of professional national defense force. America and her allies seem to be the only ones not using these forces for national defense, rather as offensive forces. I believe this makes a country Imperial. Are we an empire? Mind you, we do have military bases in foreign countries. But then again so does France, UK, India, Japan, Turkey, and Russia. But another point is that Russia, France, US and UK were the largest empires during the Imperial age with UK being the largest. Not sure what Turkey and India are doing but Japan has one in Djibouti to combat piracy. The US holds the majority of bases in foreign countries. Makes one wonder if the Imperial age ever really ended. Interesting stuff to ponder. (Note: This isnt a slam against our troops. I keep hearing my fellow AnCaps bashing the troops and I dont really agree with this. I dont believe in use of force to gain power/money or control. I do believe meeting force with force if attacked, but I follow the Non-Aggression Policy. I think the troops are brave and honorable, I dont believe the purpose they are made to serve is always honorable. Ideally they would all quit and get jobs and firemen or medics etc. but thats not my call.)
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 22:35:05 +0000

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