The invasion of Hueco Mundo A hell butterfly flies onto a tree - TopicsExpress


The invasion of Hueco Mundo A hell butterfly flies onto a tree in Hueco Mundo it then forms a man. WHOS OUT THERE?! He bellows into the sands as he releases his spirit energy not hiding anymore. His spiritual energy forms into a dragon around him this would be black with a crimson red outline. He charges forwards as he lets his energy fill the air hoping to draw the Hallows to him. He is a solid six feet and seven inches tall. He has wine red hair that reaches to the middle of his back his bangs hanging onto either side of his face. He wears normal soul reaper attire he has a red scarf that covers his mouth it runs down his back. He also has a red sash around his waist that runs down his left leg. Twin chrome meat hooks can be seen from his sleeves clear that their being held there by a set of chains. He has a Nodachi with red wrapping around the hilt and a guard that the center looks like a screaming fireball, the blade is about five feet long and black as coal. The sheath is made from a burnt blackthorn tree wood it has four black copper rings down it. To his right side yet his eyes are a lifeless dark green like pine needles. He then pulls a medium sized vile from his kimono. This vile is filled with a strange glowing red liquid. He then opens the vile biting his right thumb as it bleeds from the enlarged canines he bares in his mouth. He then allows the blood to enter the vile. As the blood touches the liquid a blood chilling howl fills the air. The howl a wolfs in organ yet it sounds demonic. He grins as he pours the liquid out. This liquid then forms into a wolf that is five feet long, three feet tall and maxing out at two hundred and fifty pounds. This wolfs fur is coal black on color yet its eyes are ruby red in color. Both eyes glowing like a hound of hells eyes in the night. Mika my four legged friend release your howl to alarm the fools here of our return. That is if me blowing the west gate down wasnt enough. The wolf he called Mika then sits down leaning her head back as she lets out a howl that is so loud the entire city would hear it. The howl chills everyone that hears it blood cold.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 09:42:06 +0000

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