The invitations have been sent out for Karis’ Princess Ball and - TopicsExpress


The invitations have been sent out for Karis’ Princess Ball and the big day is just around the corner. If you requested one, but have not received it, please message me. I have to apologize for the small print. The sample looked much bigger on the computer, but they still turned out really cute. :) Karis is very excited about her ball and looking forward to getting all dressed up. She informed me the other day that she needed some heels to go with her dress. Then Emerson, our oldest who turned 11 in October, asked if there were going to be any princes at the ball. I asked her why and she said with a smile, “Well, all the princesses at the ball will need a prince!” Kyle of course told her she didn’t need one. Not sure we are ready for this chapter of our lives. Lol. As I sit here thinking about Karis party, I cant help but think of those who have lost a child and would give anything to be celebrating another birthday vs finding the words for a eulogy. If any of you have been following Olivias PHight, her services were today. Her mom, Suzannah, wrote beautifully about Olivia and her life. In the beginning she mentioned her thoughts going to a moment just like today when they first heard the news of Olivias diagnosis and I understood all too well. Although we try to stay positive and take each day one at a time, we would be lying if we said our thoughts never waundered tohaving to plan something like this.When these thoughts creep in, I just pray to God and put all my faith in Him. Please keep Olivias family and friends as they adjust to living life without Olivia. As requested, here is Karis’ Bucket List. There is a photo album titled Bucket List if you would like to check it out. I try to add photos to it as she has the opportunity to check something off. We would love to hear from all of you about the items you would have on your bucket list. Shouldn’t we all have one? Jeremiah 20:13 Sing to the Lord; praise the Lord! For he has delivered the life of the needy from the hand of evildoers. Observe Gods help and provision. Many times the Lord will be specific about what He desires for you to do or what He will accomplish in your life. This is because the more challenging the path before you, the more He will have to help you.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:06:50 +0000

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