The irritations of Poverty. Is poverty explained in terms of the - TopicsExpress


The irritations of Poverty. Is poverty explained in terms of the scarcity or inadequacy of owning plentiful material wealth only? Yes, and no. Yes, some people think that one can be branded poor if he/she does not possess abundant material wealth according to each nation’s economic index. But in most cases, a poor person in one country, can be characterized as a rich person in another part of the world. Therefore, can it be fair to say (but not conclude) that the amount of material retention is not sufficient standard to vindicate poverty in an absolute practicality? So what else (criteria) can enlighten us more on poverty? To mention a few, yes we can talk about the spiritual poverty, as well as the moral poverty. Respectfully reserving the spiritual poverty domain for religiously devoted elders and all believers, I would like to examine passionately and more closely about our moral deprivations as it relates to our struggle. It is so easy for bystanders to point fingers at a cluster of people and blame them for not living up-to the expected threshold for results. Their measuring scale is often tilted with unfair blames: this or that could have been reached had it was not for the inabilities of those who were supposed to lead. Here I would like to refer to the uneven freedom journey that the struggle for Freedom of Oromia had embarked on, since nearly the past 40 years. The Nation Oromia did not relax or diminish the quest for Nationhood and freedom since the alien occupation of Oromia. But the practically coordinated resistance emerged about half a century ago. The verdict that; it took so long is often concluded without having the audacity to inquire the tangible fundamental that caused the breakdown so far. Here I am not justifying for the lack of the entailed competence for managing an organization envisioned for freedom of the Nation of Oromia, but point towards all the angles that had directly, or indirectly influenced the sequence and patterns of the voyage while on this freedom passage. Practically, lack of motivation for methodical approach in the case of the Oromo Nation is not by accident. It is either dwelling on no care position for identifying the problem(s), or through espousing the anticipation, and hope for such a fiasco to flourish. Therefore, it could be the turning point for an inquiring minds to carry on a cultured and reasonable discourse so as to start appreciating facts as opposed to relying on the emotional conclusions. It is true that few people may be offended, yet neither that could deter my determination to look at our-selves pragmatically, nor do I apologize for my factual based analysis according to my own perceptual filtering. Yes, I am human, and could be wrong. In the case of discovering my erroneous assertion, please specify your points, concerns and wisdom for me in our cherished gadaa cultural frame of references in the spirit of respect and spreading the accurate knowledge for those of us in need, and I will regard you higher for that. What is the basic foundation of poverty in Oromia? Oromo Nation’s authentic situations of destitution/deprivation are not imagined. The fundamental root cause of these feelings of paucity or insufficiency are derivative of the direct influences of the Nation’s annexation, the occupation, and settlements of the invading aliens on the Oromo Nation’s vicinities, which without any doubt had yielded the most powerful unwavering, but devastating emotional impact on the people of Oromo. I do agree that discussing the scope of poverty in the nation of Oromia is a very expansive purview to be effusively/entirely undertaken and cover all the domains in such short article. However, we need start to understand the root causes of the prevailing ethical deficiencies that flaunted and decelerating of the natural flow, and speed of the Oromo Nation revolutionary expedition. It is not the aim of this article to markdown the daily sacrifice and prices OLA including all other vanguard Oromoos are paying with their own precious lives on the frontlines for the cause of their Nation, but to make sure that we all are on the same page, and recognize that the potential explosion of the Oromo cause is non artificial and nonstop-able when we understand the plain sources of the block chocking its expected progress. Once we have the glimpse of the cause, it would be logical to partake or at least support the initiatives and commit ourselves to be aware of the overdue virtue of the corrective actions for the reasonable solution. Quantitatively, here, I am striving to initiate the basic pragmatic dialog where further evidence based scholastic examinations, supported by more advanced rigorous inquiries could be facilitated to uncover the layers of the facts that are obscuring the crucial issues in the struggle of the Oromo Nation for freedom. The mental distress: Some Oromo individuals’ political bankruptcy and hardship goes back to the very fundamentals of Oromo Nation’s invasion and occupation. The successive colonial monarchies, Military junta, and the Pseudo democrats, (each regime) took upon themselves to keep the status quo for the imposed unity of the colonized people by wagging the relentless psychological warfare on all segments of people in Oromia and beyond. The policies and the executions of the structures were designed in such a way unyieldingly that all the departments, Schools, and mass medias must utterly serve the preservation and maintenance of the colonial status. Thus, it would be the public secret to know why: 1) Amharic remains the official language of Ethiopia even today, not mentioning its status in previous pedagogical, musical and all mass media domains, 2) All the governmental upper power structure in this colonial Ethiopia were/are dominated only by the Abyssinians and their domesticated loyal servants. 3) No chance should slip that would enable questioning the legitimacy of the so-called Ethiopian unity at any given time or during the reign of any colonial regimes, even if it was/is the Prison House for the Nations and Nationalities. Virtually all and each colonial authorities execute their own suppressive and brutal mechanism to maintain their tyrannical ascendancies. So far in Ethiopia, the above disadvantageous systems and unfair manipulative apparatus were utilized by all the past alien regimes of Abyssinia so as to continue claiming legitimacy for their backward governances. But as for the colonized people, these mental distress penetrated down deeper to the psychics of all walking soul of Oromo people, and all other conquered Nations and Nationalities within Ethiopia. It is more sever for younger generation who were born after the total occupations. The imposed colonial social systems did create (in the younger generations and beyond) the revers doubts in the validity of their own cultures, languages, and even self-confidence for all the people of the colonized Nations. They were/are coerced and manipulated to adhere to all the imposed norms; at all levels of Schools, at the public, at work places, and even in the worship places: Churches, and Mosques. It effectively assaulted the self-confidence and plagued, infecting the normal thinking processes of nearly all of my generation who failed to unveil what hideous and calculative agendas of the colonial pedagogies encompasses. The colonial Abyssinians regimes where heading for complete festivities and rejoicing their accomplishments in the extinguishing of all the colonized Nation’s identities had the creative minds of the committed colonized people failed to foresee it in time, and act upon reclaiming Orommumma. Equally, and more convincingly we still have much ways to go. But let’s face it, there are layers of facts that are obscuring the crucial issues in the struggle of the Oromo Nation for freedom. The indisputable factors include, but not limited to “individualism” as opposed to the authentic culture of the people of Oromia. According to our ancestral heritage, Individualism does not have much value than the collective belongingness. It is the basic for a true Oromo citizen to choose to be personally humiliated as opposed witnessing the humiliations of his/her Orommumma, culture, and/or family. This could be very hard to conceptualize for others at its face value. Therefore one needs to explore the grievances that this inconveniencing alien culture of individualism greatly disturbed the patterns and practices of the regular and daily function of Oromo society as it bonds itself with the master plan of the Oromo Nation’s occupations. Predominantly, the core paradigm of INDIVIDUALISM is security. This security can be physical, material, moral, and spiritual. At the same time, the colonial establishment in Oromia unremittingly initiate schemes that takes all the above security domain as a tool of maintaining their bolted control over all the colonized people of Oromia, business, development, social and spiritual functions. It was/is the INDIVIDUALISM driven greed and material security which is breeding and promoting the colonials feelings of no concern for Oromos who are targeted for eviction from their own lands, and face all imposed impoverishments, even if both (the colonized and the colonizers) happen to face nearly the same (natural and man-made) interwoven predicaments as a result of proximity and forced unity. It was/is the conception of INDIVIDUALISM which invaded the moral security of a few so-called leaders in our political arena to abandon the original kayyoo of the Oromo struggle and prefer to democratize the empire on their way to inherit the colonial Palace in Finfinee. It remains absolutely challenging and difficult for such short sighted personalities to nurture perseverance and dedications for their Nation’s cause as opposed to espousing the easiest way-out, which is blindly copying the prototype of INDIVIDUALISM with all its goodies. But I am not sure even if the colonialists have fully comprehended what the true picture of Individualism is. According to the current Wikipedia, 1. Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual. Individualists promote the exercise of ones goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance and advocate that interests of the individual should achieve precedence over the state or a social group,[3] while opposing external interference upon ones own interests by society or institutions such as the government. 2. Individualism makes the individual its focus and so starts with the fundamental premise that the human individual is of primary importance in the struggle for liberation. Liberalism, existentialism and anarchism are examples of movements that take the human individual as a central unit of analysis. Individualism thus involves the right of the individual to freedom and self-realization. 3. It has also been used as a term denoting The quality of being an individual; individuality related to possessing An individual characteristic; a quirk. Individualism is thus also associated with artistic and bohemian interests and lifestyles where there is a tendency towards self-creation and experimentation as opposed to tradition or popular mass opinions and behaviors as so also with humanist philosophical positions and ethics…..” Individualism and society: Individualism holds that a person taking part in society attempts to further his or her own interests, or at least demands the right to serve his or her own interests, without taking the interests of society into consideration (an individualist need not be an egoist). The individualist does not favour any philosophy that requires the sacrifice of the self-interest of the individual for higher social causes. ……etc The main issue lies with the complimentary interaction of Individualism, capitalism, and Democracy. You can not have one without the other. There are a lot economic benefit for all the people of Oromia if it implemented with fair and equity within all the communities. But both individualism and its economic wing; capitalism do lend itself for high level of manipulation as done by theses old Marxists; the TPLF who claimed overnight to be the icons of the free market in the western style. I do remember some times back when we all were students at colleges in the Sudan, we in the Oromo Student Union were regarded as a Narrow Nationalists, and non-progressive since we were considered not be full Marxists to the standard of the TPLF and its student wings claimed to be. Amazingly, EPRP and AESM used to brand both the TPLF and OLF (with all their student wings) both as the Narrow Nationalists. But, suddenly after the London conference, and securing its dominance over the empire, TPLF suddenly became the advocate of the Free Market enterprises with western economic logo. The jumping of TPLF wherever the direction of the wind happen to blow, illustrates what devious political plungers they are without having any shame for their vacillating and fortune hunting natures. Their conniving abilities enabled TPLF successfully to conceal their true character from the whole world who took them at the face value for what they claim to be. On the other hand, as for the Oromo national cause, even the old Abyssinian regimes perpetuated crimes, and repression (though it was unpolished as today’s) on the Nation of Oromia, turned to be a blessing in disguise. It became the rejuvenating reactions as exemplified by Mecha and Tulma Self-Help Oromo association, as well as invigorating the Oromo Nation’s gallant and founder of OLA; General Tadasaa Birru, and other pioneers of the Oromo National movements. As I mention in my previous article of The Conundrum of Ethiopianism III. “ ….Despite General Tadesse’s initial rejection to the Oromoo nationalist resistances that were boiling within all Oromo Nationalists, at that time, his (General Tadesse Birrus) perceptions were totally altered as a consequences of the meeting he had with Prime Minister Aklilu Habtewold. That meeting was a wake-up call for General Tadesse Birru. He became a volunteer, which Akililu Habtewold advised him against, and presented his ill spirited counsel against educating or recruiting the Oromos people to the military. This malicious recommendation of Akililu Habtewold directly pushed General Tadesse to join the Mecha and Tuluma Self-Help Association, an Oromo social movement in which G/ Tadesse went on to become a prominent figure….” No one can doubt or question the sincerity of the oppressed Nation’s dedicated vanguards who are conceived as result of the concrete brutal, and humiliating experiences in the hands of the colonialists who were exerting their holistic fixations on destroying the Oromo Nation’s potentials. Therefore, without any doubt, thousands of Tadassa Birrus, Juukii Barentoos, Maamo Mezemirs, Baro Tumsaas, Ragaatuus, Jara Abba Gadaas, General Waaqoo Gutuus ……will born each and ervery day, and night as far as the Nation of Oromo continues to bear these inhumane sufferings under its occupation. At the same time, it becomes so annoyance deep to the bone when ourselves become part of the Oromo Nation’s problem as opposed of being part of the solution. How deep irritation could it generate? Becoming aware of the facts that schemes like the current regime’s Master plan to divide Oromia, while selling the Oromo Lands to the so called investors from over the seas, waging non-competitive practices on Oromian businesses, crafting an expedited exploitation of mineral/natural resources of Oromo Lands, and other economic based schemes are all designed to deplete and weaken the Nation of Oromia. Such impoverishing schemes are not new principle for the Abyssinians as the crux of their endeavor had been in practice in one form or the other since the occupation of Oromia. But the most pain is defined by the Oromo proverb stating “kan namin nama arrabsurra, kan abbaan of arrabsuutu caala nama guba” The general inclination of this afaan Oromo’s proverb affirms that the hurt you inflict on you self generates more pain than what others inflict on you. It is well known truth that the promotion of the INDIVIDUALISTISM paradigm in the Oromo society helped the Colonizers to utilize it as a whipping lashes while tranquilizing the most able bodies with its indulgences to collaborate with their devious schemes. Even some Oromo politicians are dancing around the issues when the other determined ones refuse to indorse various sneaky plans devised by the colonial authorities to deprive the people of Oromia in all spheres of life. Saying “bravo” to the courageous Oromos who stood/standing by their people and chose to be the victims of the enemy vendetta, I would like to recognize them for their heroism and unflinching stances in opposition to their oppression, persecution and abuse at the hands of the enemy and their agents. Such gallant sacrifices will never be in vain, but the history will bear witness for their bravery against the atrocious enemy measures, and against the narcissists who do not hesitate to sell out their own mothers, brothers, sisters as well as themselves. Furthermore, it frustrates exclusively when a few Oromo personalities refuse to accept the reality of chocking our own people’s struggle by the neck. This is the huge elephant stationed in living room of the Oromo struggle. Even if it was/is the vivid impediment to the National cause of the Oromo people, we often either ignore it, or dwell on our naiveties and act as though we fail to get it. In both cases, we cannot underscore the Oromo sellouts’ devastating power upon the struggle of the Nation. It has proven itself during the continuous saga within OLF, and now has started to appear in the newly instituted OMN. The bottom line we refuse to see or accept is/has been “COLONIAL MINDSET”. Some are able to take themselves abroad out of Abyssinia, but failed miserably to take the colonial Abyssinia mindset out of ourselves. Such Oromo characters remain the prisoners of own conscious (if they have any). They think, walk, breath, and talk just like their Abyssinian masters. Being educated in the colonial Schools, influenced by their songs, poems, following all the Colonial civil norms codes, the colonial culture springs up in everything they do consciously, or unconsciously. The way they convers among each-other, the manners often displayed in private and public all are shaped by the colonial outlooks. Naivety cannot save such sellout today in the information age. No wonder the divisions within OLF continue to multiply with no real solution in sight. . It is also has started hindering our endeavors in relating to our own Qubee generations. As opposed to being the guiding lights for them as our cultural norms dictates, they are rehearsing the learned pretentious drills in Amaharic so as to be in competition for the colonial palace in Finfinee against the Qubee generations. What a pity!!!!! But fortunately, the Nation of Oromia does have abundant unshakably dedicated, Oromo Nationalist philanthropists, who will never give-upon the Oromo Nation’s genuine struggle for freedom. Yes, it becomes non turning point and irreversible nuisance when some adversaries of Oromo Nation’s struggle at one time in their life span are given some pivotal role in the struggle. It is always acceptable, and even recognized as a respected art of inclusiveness, and diplomacy to develop more devotees, friends, honest sympathizers and supports for the genuine cause the Oromo Nation. But, giving unlimited immediate access up to the leadership status to personalities with shaky background should have never crossed minds of the upper bureaus of the Oromo struggle. It is my hope that such hasty erroneous decision is out of the moral poverty and failure to follow the proper procedures for joining the struggle will be taken as a learning opportunity!!! Conclusion. Each and every one of us are gifted and are capable of delivering the most amazingly beautiful and advantageous outcomes that could profit all human races. It could be basically disingenuous to accept the assertions that the human nature is habitually otherwise. Humans can achieve whatever they put their hearts and souls put into including but not limited to; -physically travelling in space beyond our traditional imaginations, -innovate past our regular ingenuities, -display noble conviviality and senility for each other. Actually, the human nature is such divers, so rich, and so splendidly brilliant that it can only be self-destructive on its own ways to become the worst enemy of its own creativity. But at the very fundamental stage, humans enjoy helping each other, craft humanitarian organizations, draw civil societies, and portray universally shared human predicaments by placing precocious measures to avert the likelihood miseries of another human beings. Yet other human beings are so driven by ill-conceived venom dogmas propagated by few very egotistical elements who would commit heinous violations on others just to remain on power. Such wrong bunch of technocrats do exploit and use their associates in their own community to promote the feelings of “them against us”. This irresponsible acts of self-centered group could lead up to boosting their own associates’ unrealistic self-awareness so as the people are mobilized to negate one’s own affirmative, and virtually fruitful potentials. The innocent mass can be stimulated to travel so far in envisaging their own joy at the expense of their fellow human beings, and began vividly to portray as well as embodying hatred, conniving, cunning, deceitfulness, Machiavellian, and shrewdness as their own everyday distinctive values. Yet, having the broad positive values about the human nature and senses of hospitality is the cherished cultural tradition of the people of Oromo. Therefore it would not be the treasured Oromo cultural value to close all the doors even if the misled Abyssinian regimes, and associates are so consumed at disenfranchising, marginalizing and impoverishing the Nation of Oromia. Having said that, even those who think that they are the chosen ones, need to understand that impoverishing the Nation of Oromia materially/physically, mentally/psychologically, or spiritually does not serve in the best interest of them, yes themselves, and the whole horn of African Nations in particular, and the Nations of Africa, and the human races, in general. In the case that those who are impoverishing the Oromo people think that they are secured as a result of their malicious, mischievous, and criminal acts against the Nation of Oromia, they are totally wrong. Their true insecurity just started, as the irritation of impoverishing others can push anyone beyond unthinkable limit. Can we all get along??? Oromia shall be free!!!! Ulfaadhaa. Yaadasaa Dafa December 17, 2014. Sources: Wikipedia, The Conundrum of Ethiopianism III.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:46:53 +0000

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