The issue of salvation is one that many people struggle with at - TopicsExpress


The issue of salvation is one that many people struggle with at some point. Is it by works or by faith? Obviously, the Bible is very clear that it’s by grace, through faith (Eph. 2:8), but then that leads to the question of why can’t we do whatever we want, if our salvation isn’t dependent on our works? Some call that “abusing grace”. I’ve recently been reading in Hebrews, and noticed something I never had before. Hebrews chapters 3 and 4 paint a clear earthly picture of salvation, using the old testament example of Moses and the children of Israel when they came to the Promised Land. Hebrews 4:2 tells us that even before Christ came, the gospel was available. God promised them the land of Canaan, which was a paradise with abundant food and water. They had followed God out of Egypt, but when they got to the border of Canaan, and sent 12 spies out, all but two came back with a negative report, saying that the land was inhabited by giants. The people of Israel, who were all for God’s promises when the going was good, showed their lack of faith when they were confronted by obstacles. It wasn’t enough to SAY they were God’s people to claim His promise… their lack of action confirmed their lack of faith. Only two men out of that generation of Israelites were able to pass into the Promised Land. Joshua and Caleb, the two spies that boldly proclaimed their faith in God and were willing to act on that faith. Today, it’s not enough to go to church. It’s not enough to read the Bible and pray. Those are good things and things every Christian should be doing. It’s faith in God that saves us, but the proof of our faith is often in our actions. Are we living a lifestyle in opposition to the Word of God? Are we unrepentant liars, or living in sinful relationship outside of marriage, or cheating on our spouse? And are we actively seeking God’s will for our lives and doing what we know in our hearts that He’s calling us to do, or are we living a stagnant spiritual life, caught up in the concerns of the world? God’s Word is clear that “by their fruits you shall know them” (Matthew 7:20). If you’re one of God’s children, follow Him. If you don’t follow Him, you’re probably not one of His children. Just as in the case of Moses and the children of Israel in the wilderness, if we don’t show our faith by our actions and follow Him, we can’t expect to make it into our Promised Land – Heaven. Grace isn’t a pass to do whatever we want. It’s a chance to repent and turn when we sin, and get back right with God. I hope everyone reading this is right with God now. If you were to die right now or Christ returned this afternoon, would you know you’re right with Him? If not, stop what you’re doing and get that taken care of before you do anything else. Send me a message if you need to talk. Love y’all! - Wayne
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:06:55 +0000

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