The journey between living and dying . Forward There is a great - TopicsExpress


The journey between living and dying . Forward There is a great deal of different journeys from time to time with man to man and each journey has its anecdote . All the journeys may not be bitter and all the journeys may not be sweat too .Here I am talking about a journey that I have taken .Which is known as the journey from China to Nepal -The most greatest danger for the most of Tibetans as it is matter of the politic and so many Tibetans have been escaping across the Himalaya snow Mountain in the way HH Dalai Lama is forced to come the exile in 1959. Year by year Tibetans in the Tibet come to outside for the sake of the freedom .They sacrifice their lives under the pointing guns of Chinese armies . Each and every Tibetan ,who has an eventful story in this process and it will not be concluded unless the communist party comes to the nail .I am the one of them who has also indelible anecdote that may not be constantly forgotten , even I would become age such like hair would be grey in colour and face would be full of wrinkles . As a result ,I eagerly willing to express the experience of my journey as this can be resemble of story that every tibetan does experience in the same way . Despite how much my experience is worth of reading to others , I would prefer to indicate this rather than keeping silence . It may not be interesting to everyone but it is based on the fact and the gist of the story that changed my life . By other hand ,it is nothing and what I experienced is the smallest aspect of adventure compares with other Tibetans who come to India across the Himalaya snow mountain for two months in that way: some are frozen , some are starved and some are missed . However I reluctantly keep quiet with this gloom as many more of Tibetans experience in the same way with same destiny . This story never end as long as the Tibet will be free from the occupation. The decision It was about end of the fall ,and the weather was changing in a beautiful way . All the mountains were golden in colour ,all the rivers were crystal in phenomenon and all the men and women were busy with preparing to go the Kalachukra which would be given by lama zebshec Rinpoche* . Of course we ought to be there because our town was the host of this time . But, my mind was wrecked by burning desire –that I would like to go to India as soon as possible because I bore it in my heart for a long time as the one of my friend made me known about India . To promise is easy but hard nut to crack of carrying on . The one of my elder brother who escaped in India by himself but I didn’t know what his aim and why he left his home . I used to ask about those things but they were so cautious and seemed to avoid me something. Nevertheless I tried to realize what is secret behind its back. The little things I heard from my grandmother is very mysterious –she used to tell me over and over same dialogue something like recni sarjee (the cultural revolution in English) and kongchan dang (communist party ) when she was telling us the bygone things. But I didn’t have any ideas what they were keeping behind . Once time I had found a white photo of a lama with a letter “Dalai lama.” They didn’t make me known what was him even if I asked enthusiastically .I knew one thing that there was a contradiction between their talk. I was grown up with unanswered doubts and I was divided into the anxiety and dilemma , even didn’t have sleep at the night . I made my mind to escape even though I don’t know what to do and how to do . The first sight of Lhasa. Even if I was not aware of Chinese policy , The fear I had have no more at the chinese army . With this courage, I went to the Lhasa alone –known as Capital city of Tibet where many Tibetans couldn’t reach in the whole life but merely wishes. I did , but unfortunately it was totally opposite what I imagined the Lhasa earlier , No chupa (Tibetan traditional dress) was worn , no Tibetan was spoken and no one was found like a Tibetan in the crowded street in the capital city of Lhasa. The little I know the Chinese language was helpful . I have no friends and relatives , even I didn’t have acquaintance anymore . After some days ,it was started to finish my money and phoned at my home for the sake of some cashes. They were overwhelmed with joy, ‘ we will take the passport to send to India if you really long for ’. I said ‘whether or not I could escape to the India, I never return back as long as I attempted ’ Eventually they decided to send me the money besides made known to me a family in order to stay until I would leave Lhasa. After then , its circumstance was familiar to me as where I found more Tibetans . I stayed in that family -they were good enough to me and more than one month had passed like a wink. The scene of Lhasa impressed a great memory in the profound my heart . The Departure of Lhasa It was the night in winter time , Cho tako ,the father of the family, who put a white scarf around my neck with some words for the instruction because it was the day that I have to depart them. ‘ do well ! everything is ready. I wish you will be successful. ’ stated by cho tako with a masculine voice . I could see acha dolma through his shoulder she was gazed and blurred with speechless and pale face. It was like a departure sign in the way that I was leaving the Lhasa .We started on our way when the sun was lightly setting behind the western mountains of Potala . That scene I still vividly remember as if it was yesterday . The long distance we travelled ,and I felt that it was getting far away of from the home . By the way , the pass ports must be checked frequently ,through all the time till the border- Dum where I should go . But , As luck would have it , I reached there without any danger at the morning around 7:00am. At the sametime , a woman wore chopa who recieved me and I went along to her room . She communicated with me not to go outside as that place is full of spies , but I already have heard that how much fatal its place is . There is no discontinuance of beating , imprisons and killings Tibetans who escapes the boundary of the china and Nepal. It is suspected and suspicious to whom those people who are arriving there . The adventure At 12:00am in that day, it was the time that we ought to go on the journey and I was introduced two Nepalese who were none other than my guides . The town is situated on the steep surface of the mountain and we had gone through the under the town where the only a narrow path is visible . In that way , they were like fishes who are adroit into the water as it was not cup of tea to catch their speed in such a twist and turn of the path . But I never had idea to give up as I had started moving forward to quest my dream. In the mean time , Even if it is very steep , cliff and muddy , My guide who is versed in that way as I did my best to follow . Especially I still do remember that bridge which was joined two side by nothing else other than single log . I do fear now rather than then because there is no way to be alive if my feet slipped off the wood at once time . Nevertheless I was bold enough ,fool enough and lucky enough in the nick of time as it was what I chose. Eventually we arrived the village where they live . The everything that around me was bizarre. It was totally different in the way of our living style . I felt as if I was in another world . The food I was unfamiliar with ,the people I was stranger of , and the environment didn’t favour with me . They gave me food to eat but I didn’t have it anymore despite how much I was hungry . Not much far from me, A girl spoke to me “did you come from amdo ?” It was interesting sound and I stated with an enthusiasm ‘yes I am ,and you both?’ ‘we came from Autsang’ replied me with unassuming smile . So , we talked as if we were boon companions . In the border region of our same destiny is not less than we were sibling in relationship . In the evening , we went for two hour by walking and then by car . I couldn’t realize where or which direction we were going as well as The two girls, My companions were weeping while I glanced at them. I didn’t neither weep nor speak to them not to do that as it was too harsh me to interrupt. As for myself , I didn’t want to do like that at all as I sworn to myself in order to give up the regret what obstacles and risks that I have to challenge . Perhaps it was around 9: clock when we reached the Tibetan reception in Nepal where I met some acquaintance of mine and we had had a great deal of funs there . Awareness The duration of the Tibetan reception in Nepal was unforgettable. On the wall of every Tibetan shop and restaurant , H.H Dalai lama’s portrait was hung with iota of offering . Its sight was drawn as a picture on the screen of my heart which reflects in my mind every now and then . My life was thrown by karma in the same way that wind blows leaves on the street and resettled a home away from home .This might be a sort of blessing in disguise that I have a cozy home to live even if I came here with empty hand and brain nil .Particularly I am aware of the reality what things are forbidden in Tibet and why they hide me things behind. In any case , This journey taught me the lesson that no one never ever educated me before as well as taught me what is actual life all about . Things always happen to me is not that I expected and dreamed ,but unexpected things that never imagined before .My journey could be a matchstick which sparked at the firewood of my karma at which I could find who I am . ་ CONCLUSION As a matter of fact , The journey had led me in a path to pursuit what I long for and what I look for .The journey made me hero from zero and whenever it would be twinkling like a star in the space of my heart. Whether or not it can be true that the journey can change the life , but I do believe . The life is full of ups and downs which includes either laugh and cry that should be experienced . In any case , My journey is not only one’s journey at all because every Tibetan who came from Tibet ,has same story . It would be remained until Tibetan possesses its emancipation ,its place and its territory
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 09:36:38 +0000

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