The journey is incredibly short. It begins the day we are born - TopicsExpress


The journey is incredibly short. It begins the day we are born and ends with our final perspective. What view do you want to acquire from now to then? Who do you wish to be near? Where do you want your final breaths to occur? How do you see yourself spending the short amount of time you have in fulfilling your dreams? Will you master your world? Will you conquer your fears? Will you find your place and create/live your mission in life? What is your mission STATEMENT, and if you dont have one, WHY NOT? Are you the audience in your own world, or are you the MC? Are you the participant or the filler? WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE? Stagnancy vs. Growth. What is the preference? The stench of never moving/staying the same VS. aiming toward the sky, development, evolution, resolution, revolution - GROWTH! Acceptance. The choices Ive made are mine alone. The person I have become is a recipe blended by many experiences, however, with or without those experiences, my destiny remains the same. What role do I play? How can I measure the intent of what I put into my existence and the existence of others. What is my intention and what is the motivation to create perfect harmony? Do I have motivation? How can I get some? Those are the questions I will ask myself upon opening my soul every new day, with every new palette brought before me. How will I paint my day? How will I effect others today? Will others effect me today? How can I feel, be, exist as the best person I am spiritually, philosophically, in action and in reaction, with love? A daily test is to understand the behavior of others and whether they pertain to me at all. Perhaps, simply not bothering to find out if others pertain to me at all is the answer. I accept others choices each day and do not apply their behavior to my existence, but instead realize that their behavior is simply based on their own situation on this earth which is not for me to judge. My own behavior is the only thing I need to monitor/judge an in a way that I can finally accept self. Love. I love myself in spite of the turmoil Ive caused through choice or reaction. I choose to focus on the eternal joys I have processed whether through action or simple luck. I focus on joy. In my 47 years, Ive come to recognize that regardless of how, why, what paths we take to get there, I am going there. I will arrive. Where is there? What is there? Who is there.? It doesnt matter really. It just doesnt matter. All that matters if infinite love flowing in and about us. If one were to view my life on a massive viewer, one would imagine I have the most intense, passionate, incredibly colorful lives on earth. I would be seen as RICH, blessed, lucky. Even though there are challenges across the board, constant, consistent, sometimes more difficult as time goes on, those blips in the cycle, are minuscule in comparison to the joys. Those joys: MY FOCUS (choice!). Fear. Fear is the opposite of love. It drips us in doubt, like Chinese water torture. It starves us of love. It cradles us in immaturity. It provokes scenarios that do not exist. It whispers spoiled nothings into our soul and stifles us from experiencing true success. Fear is our enemy, the antithesis of being blessed. It robs us of our true task in life and creates horrific roadblocks on our way to the places we need to go. Without Love in the midst of it all, we are doomed - and that is the only failure - to walk this road, whether alone or among others, whether we run, swim, float, whatever way it is we choose to arrive, without finding love through it, in it, around it, all of it, we fail. The mystery of others behavior, their choices to treat me or others a certain way has nothing to do with arriving at our destiny. It can be painful that others choices in life affect us adversely, but it is not the end all to our existence, growth, or whether we prefer to be ritualistically stagnant. I choose to accept love today. I am grateful to have choices from the day I was born, to that fateful day I will depart. Every single of those days will be spent from now forward only in love. Fear is so past tense. Cheers! May your 2015 be all about the revelation of choice and a grand intention to 3
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:27:41 +0000

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