The journey to Bethlehem has begun. Last night before I went to - TopicsExpress


The journey to Bethlehem has begun. Last night before I went to sleep, I read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. I only got to the first four chapters and I had to quit. I couldnt see for the tears, and my stomach hurt from guffawing so hard. It is a treasure! We all know someone like the Herdmans...or WE SHOULD...because they are real. My book is earmarked and stained with orange Cheetos fingerprints as well as being tattered and torn. I bought it in 1972 and I was in high school. It strummed a chord in my youthful heart that there were others, not like me, who needed to know Jesus and be loved by a church family. It moved my selfish mindset to look around me and to begin to care. I started going out weekly knocking on doors and inviting others to visit with me to my church. A man by the name of Red Hinton mentored me. He showed up to go whether he felt like it, was tired, or had other more important things to do. I saw things that I still havent forgotten to this day, and yes, it made me realize that I was more blessed than a lot of people right underneath my highfahloutin nose! The Herdmans are a bully family and the kids are like stair-steps and mean as mad hornets. They have raised themselves, smoke cigars, steal, and burned down an old mans toolshed. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I love it when God uses the unlikely to teach me valuable life lessons. Who would have ever thought that THE HERDMANS would make the best Christmas Pageant ever??? :-) Listen up, Peeps. Only YOU can stop the Christmas bulldozer. (please read that again) If your Christmas celebration has grown dull, or you have been hurt in the past, or you think all this is just sheer commercialism, or you are comatose and need a boost to get out of your pit, then YOU must take charge and do something different. And do it NOW! There are not enough antidepressants to get you where you need to be so get on a life plan and take the first step. Luke 2:10-11 (KJV) And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. It is past time that we all join hands and help each other make our way, once again, to Bethlehem. This wonderful story of love changed my life! \o/
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:08:04 +0000

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