The jubilation and back-slapping by the LNP MPs after the entirely - TopicsExpress


The jubilation and back-slapping by the LNP MPs after the entirely successful and forward looking carbon pricing scheme was axed turns my stomach. And I dont trust Clive Palmer for one second, nor do I understand Al Gores cosying up to him and his call for a delayed ETS when we already have a good one in place and functioning well that hes helping destroy. And while Im at it, Im also pissed off at this type of reporting that uses phrases that makes it sound like it was a bad scheme that were finally rid of, rather than one that stood to bring in significant revenue and had significantly achieved a reduction in emissions. eg The most politically costly reform in politics in decades is to end with the Senate preparing to wind up Labors carbon tax and scrap the automatic move to a market-based trading scheme from next year. -- the most politically costly reform in decades and scrap etc. How about: Well-informed citizens mourned as a successful and revenue-producing scheme that took an enormous amount of work and political will and courage to bring in has been wantonly destroyed for no good reason...while the spiteful destroyers huddled and backslapped each other in childish jubilation.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 06:09:11 +0000

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